Sunday 1 April 2018

Forex cobra banco hdfc

Contato do atendimento ao cliente do HDFC Bank.

Entre em contato com o HDFC Bank: Veja abaixo os detalhes do atendimento ao cliente do Banco HDFC, incluindo telefone e endereço. Acesse os contatos abaixo para consultas sobre novas contas bancárias, cartões de crédito, cartões de débito, serviços bancários pela internet, empréstimos pessoais / educacionais ou outros. Além dos detalhes de contato, a página também oferece informações sobre os serviços do HDFC Bank.

Casa do Banco HDFC,

Senapati Bapat Marg,

Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013.

Atinja os números abaixo para consultas sobre contas bancárias HDFC, relatórios de perda de cartão de caixa eletrônico ou outros. Você também pode usar o HDFC Phone Banking para verificar o saldo da sua conta, consultar o status do cheque, pedir um novo cheque ou extrato da conta, parar o pagamento, abrir um depósito fixo, transferir fundos entre contas, pagar suas faturas de telefone ou eletricidade e gerar novo PIN ou outros.

Bangalore & # 8211; (080) 61606161.

Chandigarh & # 8211; (0172) 6160616.

Chennai & # 8211; (044) 61606161.

Cochin & # 8211; (0484) 6160616.

Delhi e NCR & # 8211; (011) 61606161.

Hyderabad (040) 61606161.

Indore & # 8211; (0731) 6160616.

Jaipur & # 8211; (0141) 6160616.

Kolkata & # 8211; (033) 61606161.

Lucknow & # 8211; (0522) 6160616.

Mumbai & # 8211; (022) 61606161.

Pune & # 8211; (020) 61606161.

Andhra Pradesh & # 8211; 9949493333.

Madhya Pradesh / Chattisgarh & # 8211; 9893603333.

Bengala Ocidental / Sikkim & # 8211; 9831073333.

Uttar Pradesh / Uttarakhand & # 8211; 9935903333.

Jammu e Caxemira / Himachal Pradesh & # 8211; 18001804333.

Patna / Bihar / Jharkhand & # 8211; (0612) 6160616.

Jammu & amp; Caxemira & # 8211; 1800 180 4333.

Fundo Mútuo ou Investimento.

Telefone: 1800 22 1006.

Telefone: 855-999-6061 (EUA / Canadá)

Telefone: + 91-2267606161 (outros países)

Encontre abaixo os números de atendimento ao cliente para o Cartão de Crédito Bancário HDFC.

Ahmedabad & # 8211; 079 66004332.

Bangalore & # 8211; 080 66224332.

Bhopal & # 8211; 0755 4004332.

Chandigarh & # 8211; 0172 4694332.

Chennai & # 8211; 044 66004332.

Cochin & # 8211; 0484 4084332.

Coimbatore & # 8211; 0422 4384332.

Delhi & # 8211; 011 41514332.

Hyderabad & # 8211; 040 66624332.

Indore & # 8211; 0731 4074332.

Jaipur & # 8211; 0141 4004332.

Kolkata & # 8211; 033 22104332.

Lucknow & # 8211; 0522 4004332.

Mumbai & # 8211; 022 28564332.

Pune & # 8211; 020 66034332.

Raipur & # 8211; 0771 4084332.

Outras localizações: 1800 425 4332.

Clique aqui para localizar um ramo HDFC mais próximo ao seu endereço. A HDFC possui filiais em todas as principais cidades da Índia.

Clique aqui para localizar um caixa eletrônico HDFC mais próximo ao seu endereço.

Para solicitar empréstimos pessoais ou cartões de crédito, clique aqui.

Para empréstimos de educação, clique aqui.

Fundado em 1994, o HDFC Bank Ltd. é um grande banco privado indiano com sede em Mumbai. O HDFC Bank foi constituído em agosto de 1994 pela Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC), a maior empresa de financiamento habitacional da Índia. O banco tem mais de 4.100 agências e 12.000 caixas eletrônicos em 2.400 cidades em todo o país. Em 2008, o HDFC Bank adquiriu o Centurion Bank of Punjab, tendo suas filiais totais para mais de 1.000. O total de receitas para o ano findo em 31 de março de 2015 foi de INR 574,66 bilhões.

Os produtos e serviços do Banco HDFC incluem contas de poupança, contas correntes, depósitos, cofres, empréstimos pessoais, empréstimos para carro / casa, empréstimos para veículos com duas rodas, empréstimos educacionais, cartões de débito / crédito, cartões pré-pagos, contas de seguros, seguros forex, primeira banca e muito mais. No site, é fácil pagar contas, efetuar pagamentos com cartão de crédito, transferir fundos, acessar serviços bancários e muito mais.

O banco iniciou suas operações em 1995 com uma missão simples: ser um "Banco Indiano de classe mundial". Recebeu o Businessworld Best Bank Awards 2010 depois de selecionado como o Melhor Banco. Pela quinta vez consecutiva, o banco chegou ao Forbes Asia Fab 50 & # 8242; lista, um ranking anual das melhores empresas listadas na Ásia-Pacífico. O MD Aditya Puri, do banco, no ano passado ganhou o prêmio de Líder de Negócios do Ano no Prêmio do Economic Times por Excelência Corporativa, ou ET Awards, como são popularmente conhecidos. Para consultas, reclamações ou outros, chegue ao atendimento ao cliente do HDFC Bank através dos detalhes fornecidos nesta página.

Este artigo tem 76 comentários.

Lamento muito e desanimo em informar que sou um cliente de longa data do HDFC Bank e faço muitas transações em seu estimado banco.

Estou tendo um cartão de crédito não: 4893772404401016 do Banco HDFC. Devido a uma grave crise nos últimos dois meses, não consigo pagar o valor mínimo devido.

Também estou tendo três empréstimos em andamento com o Banco e um mestre de pagamento regular da EMI. Este mês eu transferi meu EMI em Rs.29000 na minha conta SB n º 07181140091604 na filial do setor V Salt Lake Kolkata.

De repente, minha conta fica em poder do departamento de crédito e o valor é creditado no cartão de crédito e na EMI. Mas fui informado pelo Departamento de Cartão de Crédito depois que a conta se tornou válida.

Agora, não posso pagar as EMI devidas como se eu tivesse sido informado anteriormente de que poderia ter agido de outra maneira.

A este respeito, estou pedindo humildemente para analisar o assunto e me ajudar nesse sentido ou, por favor, nos emprestar algum tempo para pagar as EMI.

Agradecendo-lhe e ansioso por ajuda e apoio.

Este é o pior banco que eu já vi. Eles fizeram o mesmo comigo também.

Nunca vá para o HDFC BANK! Banco falso para recolher o dinheiro dos clientes.

Interrompa seus serviços com este banco e você poderá usar o banco ICICI ou Kotak.

Não confie no atendimento ao cliente do cartão de crédito. Eu pedi empréstimo mais perto & amp; pediu a quantia final de liquidação & amp; imediatamente eu paguei mesmo. Depois do próximo mês eu vi uma quantia extra em circulação & amp; novamente eu os chamei para este & amp; disse nosso cálculo de atendimento ao cliente errado. Eu disse que não vou pagar esse valor devido ao seu erro & amp; remover pendentes da minha conta.

ainda datar eles não fazem isto, todo mês adicionando alguma quantia.


Eu tinha tomado um empréstimo durável para o consumidor do HDFC Bank. Enquanto eu estava pronto para pagar em dinheiro e receber o produto do showroom, os palhaços da HDFC entraram em contato comigo e disseram que eu poderia escolher uma opção de empetite para a qual eu perguntei quais são. os termos e condições e encargos de encerramento, mas a pessoa em todo o contador do banco eo gerente confirmou e disse que é apenas 3percent cobranças de encerramento e não há outros encargos. mais tarde após a entrega do produto me foi enviada uma carta afirmando 18 por cento de cobranças de execução de hipotecas depois do qual eu contatei os mesmos curingas do banco e perguntei que eles recusaram-se a aceitar o erro e disseram que eu teria que visitar uma agência ou entrar em contato com o executivo de serviços bancários por telefone. Eu tentei ligar para o número dado por eles, mas ficou ainda mais amargo. Um funcionário mais responsável e leal do banco pode explicar por que esse tipo de tratamento é atendido a seus clientes.

Meu filho NRI Ajay I. S. Kang tinha uma conta NRO na filial de Mumbai, que ele fechou de uma filial de Chandigarh durante sua última visita à Índia (não visitou Mumbai). Um rascunho representando o saldo de fechamento em conta foi emitido em seu nome e co-signatário, meu marido.

Agora esse rascunho não está sendo aceito pelo HDFC Bank, seja para crédito em uma conta HUF, onde meu filho é co-parcner ou para remessa para sua conta nos EUA. Ele também não possui nenhuma outra conta na Índia. Eu tenho seu POA geral e desejo resolver esse problema. Alguém no Banco HDFC pode ajudar?

Oi, gentilmente feche o Serviço de Atendimento ao Cliente HDFC. Pior Serviço Bancário. Serviço de má qualidade e eles nos fazem esperar por muito tempo sem resposta.

Eu tenho 2 wheeler empréstimo fron hdfc bank. Meu EMI é 8900.Em agosto, inesperadamente meu chq (SBI 21314) datado de 04/08/12 não apuradas. O executivo do banco veio e recolheu 9100 (8900emi e 200 chq bounce encargos).Isso é realmente muito regrefull que, mesmo depois de receber o dinheiro contra o devolvido verificar seu banco apresentou o mesmo cheque em minha conta em 24/08/2012 e apuradas o valor Rs 8900.Por favor, olhe para o assunto e atualize-me através do telefone e e-mail o mais rápido possível.

Bro mesma coisa acontece comigo também. Seu executivo recolhe o dinheiro da minha casa e novamente eles limparam o mesmo valor da minha conta bancária através da ECS.

A equipe de faturamento do cartão de crédito HDFC não está funcionando corretamente.

Eles estão muito ansiosos para trocar dinheiro do titular da CC através de faturamento incorreto.

Isso faz com que a maioria do cliente troque para outro banco.

Eu comprei Rs.5798 / - no shopping total, sarjapur estrada em 21 de julho de 2012 .. ele foi debitado duas vezes .. Não houve resposta adequada da loja, bem como Banco (Axis, que foi usado para roubar meu débito HDFC cartão) & # 8230;

Existe algum outro método alternativo para obter meu dinheiro de volta?

Eu solicitei um Empréstimo à Habitação da HDFC por Rs 7 lakhs no mês de abril de 2012 e meu número de Referência de Empréstimo é 604810073. O valor foi aprovado em 2 de maio de 2012, mas o montante ainda não foi liberado, pois a Aprovação do Projeto é pendente. Eu havia me comunicado com executivos da HDFC a respeito do atraso várias vezes e não estou satisfeito com a resposta recebida, portanto, gostaria de cancelar minha solicitação. O Axis Bank já está tendo a aprovação do projeto e, por isso, proponho que eles façam empréstimos.

Eu gentilmente peço a você que reembolse a taxa de processamento cobrada e devolva todos os documentos que enviei para este propósito.

Nunca lide com o HDFC Bank.

Demorou 20 dias e ainda não consigo abrir minha nova conta corrente. E eles continuam prometendo no dia seguinte, mas ainda não usam. Meus compromissos se foram. Eu poderia ter aplicado em qualquer outro banco, mas caí na armadilha do HDFC.

Estou Amit de Mumbai com cartão de crédito do seu banco ao mesmo tempo eu sou o cliente corporativo do banco HDFC (com conta salarial no Banco HDFC). Eu estou segurando o cartão de crédito do último mais de um ano e foi regular com meus pagamentos todos os meses, de repente, devido a algumas razões pessoais, não pude fazer o pagamento em dia. Este ano houve muitos problemas financeiros, mas os caras da Agência não entendem o problema do cliente e, quando chamados, eram tão grosseiros e usavam uma linguagem tão desagradável que eu nem preferiria dizer ou escrever. Eu disse a eles todos os problemas, mas eles foram sempre muito rude e disse que você tem que fazer o pagamento qualquer como. A amostra de linguagem utilizada foi “Ghar becho ya apne aap ko becho par paisa do”. Eu não entendo por que esses caras estão trabalhando em HDFC ou se o HDFC os encoraja a fazer esses animais. Da próxima vez que comunicou com sua superiora, o idoso disse “faça o pagamento imediatamente, não estou aqui para ver ou resolver o seu problema”, você pode perguntar a qualquer um em HDFC meu nome, todos falarão sobre mim. Várias vezes os funcionários da agência ligaram para minha casa e tentaram ameaçar meus pais. Sem a minha permissão, eles sempre olhavam para minha conta que estava associada à minha conta de salário e me forçavam a fazer os pagamentos. Uma vez havia apenas 4k na minha conta no dia 7 do mês e eles me forçaram a fazer o pagamento de 4k.

O saldo total está sempre aumentando e aumentando, se eu fizer um pagamento de 10.000 meses, ele continua aumentando, mais uma vez vai para a mesma quantia que você pode verificar com meus detalhes. Eu nunca chequei a declaração já que eu estava com a impressão de que a HDFC é um banco confiável, mas quando eu verifiquei minha declaração para abril eu vi Encargos Financeiros = 1.641,90 foram cobrados para mim, então eu verifiquei minhas declarações anteriores e toda vez que eles estão me cobrando este . Quando peguei o cartão de crédito, isso não foi comunicado a mim pelo Banco / Agência / Atendimento ao Cliente. Então eu liguei para o atendimento ao cliente do cartão de crédito HDFC Perguntei ao executivo que eu tenho cobrado Honorários Financeiros todos os meses e isso não foi comunicado para mim, ele respondeu que se eu não limpar o pagamento será cobrado a cada mês.

Nunca negocie com o HDFC Bank para empréstimos pessoais.

Demorou um mês e ainda não consigo obter o empréstimo aplicado. E eles continuam prometendo no dia seguinte, mas ainda não usam. Meus compromissos se foram. Eu poderia ter aplicado em qualquer outro banco, mas caí na armadilha do HDFC. Executivos fraudulentos da HDFC.

Sou titular de um cartão de crédito HDFC desde novembro de 2010. Durante janeiro de 2012, pedi ao departamento de atendimento ao cliente da hdfc que deixasse de enviar o extrato mensal por mensageiro e me organizasse para enviá-lo por e-mail para mim. Eles me enviaram o formulário de registro da declaração eletrônica. Eu tinha preenchido o formulário e enviado pelo correio para o endereço indicado. Mas agora também estou recebendo declaração por correio. O problema que estou enfrentando é que, uma vez que chegue ao meu escritório, não será entregue a mim a tempo. Se eu não estiver no banco, eles apenas o manterão de lado e nunca me alcançarão. Devido a todas estas complicações, apenas solicitei a declaração eletrônica. Até hoje hdfc divisão de cartão de crédito não se incomodou em aceitar o meu pedido e eles estão indo em declaração mensal de couriering. Como encontrar uma solução para isso. De acordo comigo só a solução para parar é "cancelar o cartão de crédito".

Eu tenho uma conta Dmat onde eu estava fazendo transações diárias do meu próprio. Três anos antes eu recebi um conselho do HDFC Shares Executive e ela investiu todos os meus fundos em ações erradas que retornaram em pesadas perdas até agora. Também não há acompanhamento para o mesmo.

O HDFC é realmente um banco de provedores de serviços de baixa qualidade, que sempre engana os clientes.

Eu quero começar meu próprio negócio em Chennai, eu posso saber quem contactar a pessoa em chennai pls seu urgente.

Serviço horrível. Ninguém está ciente do processo envolvido e obter resolução é um sonho. Eles bloquearam meu cartão de crédito pelo erro deles mesmos, embora eles sejam os donos da responsabilidade, eles me fazem correr para postar para que seja reativado. Ainda estou esperando pela resolução. HDFC suga grande momento .. Nunca banco com eles.

Serviço muito ruim e irregular. Nenhuma atenção adequada à reclamação do cliente está sendo dada. Negligente & amp; A ação caprichosa dos funcionários do banco causa prejuízos financeiros ao cliente, mas altas autoridades não se importam em retificar as mesmas, em vez disso, estão pressionando o cliente a atender a essa demanda sem fundamento e errada. Mesmo tipo de dois incidentes aconteceu com A / C No. xx duas vezes, uma vez no ano de 2006 & amp; ainda mais no ano de 2011. A matéria trouxe a atenção até para o Diretor Administrativo, mas nenhum resultado. O que fazer ?

NUNCA banco com eles. Eles vão te enganar em todas as oportunidades, seja você um cliente grande ou pequeno. Seu único lema na vida é ganhar dinheiro e aumentar a lucratividade e lucrar com o preço de suas ações.

muito mau serviço ao cliente oferecido pelo HDFC BANK. O ICICI BANK é muito melhor que o HDFC BANK.

Você pode publicar um endereço de e-mail meu, um valioso cliente HDFC. Um serviço é valorizado da maneira como o cliente é tratado quando ele tem um problema devido à falha do sistema de banco HDFC. Recentemente, enquanto eu estava registrando bilhete ferroviário meu cartão de débito HDFC razão bloqueada não especificado, fundo suficiente estava disponível, os dados preenchidos correta. Quando relatado ao atendimento ao cliente, eles estão me fazendo correr de pilar para pilar.


O suporte por telefone do HDFC Bank é muito ruim. Eles nos fazem esperar muito tempo e não dar uma solução adequada.

realmente seu sevice no telefone é muito ruim. não há nada como atendimento ao cliente.

senhor estou interessado em leilão de propriedade do banco HDFC gentilmente me diga whome entrar em contato com kolkata.

Isso é para informar sobre sua equipe está enganando os clientes.

Eu próprio titular de HDFC nos últimos 10 anos. Perguntei a um de seus funcionários no balcão de atendimento ao cliente sobre o saldo mínimo em SB a / c. Ele respondeu que era um Rs 5000 / - para o saldo mínimo. Então eu retirei dinheiro mantendo saldo mínimo após um mês recebi o extrato da conta, fiquei chocado eles deduziram Rs 800 / - por não manter o saldo mínimo de Rs 10.000 / -.

Retirada ATM no ATM 8184 em 02/02/2012 através do cartão de débito SBI em Bangalore. Nenhuma quantia recebida, mas debitada. Nenhum saque reverso do ATM.

Até eu também enfrentei o mesmo problema em Hyderabad. Eu estou segurando o cartão de débito Hdfc. Eu retirei o valor do caixa eletrônico do banco do DCB, pois o servidor estava em baixa durante a retirada, eu não recebi dinheiro, mas parece que o dinheiro foi deduzido da minha conta. Eu não conseguia entender o que fazer neste cenário.

Eu tinha um cartão de crédito. Paguei e paguei, mas não obtive nenhum certificado. Agora preciso do certificado. Fiz tantos telefonemas. Mas lamento dizer que nenhuma ação foi tomada de sua parte. Agora peço um último. se eu não obtiver nenhum certificado de anuidade irei para o RBI Então, por favor, seja sério. pl. send no meu e-mail id.

Quero me inscrever para o novo livro de cheques. Onde posso me candidatar para o mesmo.

Se você tiver acesso ao net banking, pode fazê-lo. Ligue para o suporte ao cliente.

Eu estou segurando salário corporativo a / c com o seu banco de estima. Uma parcela mensal vai em todos os Ist do mês, da minha conta até o banco Axis.

Prezada equipe do HDFC Bank

Estou muito preocupado com a equipe da HDFC HSR Branch. É um tipo de assédio e tenho certeza de que, se nenhuma ação for tomada rapidamente, tenho que ir a um tribunal de consumidores. Eu tenho duas contas no HDFC e fiz parte do HDFC nos últimos 7 anos. Se estes muitos anos não são suficientes para uma boa relação com um banco, estou profundamente triste!

PROBLEMA: Eu abri uma segunda conta no ramo HSR Layout em abril do ano passado (número da conta: xx) e recebi a promessa de manter 25000 como saldo mínimo em ambas as minhas contas (disse meu vendedor Rahul e Subhan Ali). Eu tive, mas em setembro, eu fui cobrado com encargos AQB. O gerente da agência bancária e a Deepa, do mesmo banco, fizeram falsas promessas por três meses que serão revertidas, mas nunca feitas. Finalmente eu tive que ir para o fechamento da minha conta na última quinta-feira (11 de janeiro de 2012), mas não está fechado ainda e novamente as taxas AQB são cobradas, embora eu tenha 25.300 na minha conta .. É realmente louco, não consigo entender por que meu conta não é fechada imediatamente e porque a AQB cobra quando eu tenho equilíbrio mínimo.

Eu quero uma solução imediata e não vou aceitar de ânimo leve.

Aguardando a sua resposta o mais rapidamente possível.

Eu quero pegar o meu noc quem entrar em contato sem corpo está respondendo.

Eu nunca pedi para operar o Demat A / C, mas ainda assim o Bank iniciou meu Demat A / C.

Infact eu nunca fiz qualquer negociação.

"Recebi uma carta do Banco na qual é mencionado o depósito de Rs 7500 antes de 15.jan 2012 como Taxa de Serviço. & # 8221;

Que tipo de banco é esse?

Eu não vou pagar nada.

Eu preciso do meu ID de cliente não para fins bancários líquidos e, por favor, reverta as taxas de registro de Rs.290 / - do meu cartão de crédito.

No mês passado eu comprei um carro TATA da National Garage Jammu e eles estão tendo o empate com HDFC para empréstimo.

Eu tenho o empréstimo de Rs 4,5 Lakhs do seu banco. Agora, a questão é que a HDFC pagou o valor do empréstimo a algum outro revendedor em vez da National Garage.

Eu entrei em contato com caras HDFC para este problema, mas toda vez que eles disseram que por engano eles pagaram o valor para outro revendedor e vai demorar 2-3 dias para ser corrigido.

Agora, mais de um mês se passou e meu número de registro temporário expirou e eu tenho que solicitar o registro, mas o comerciante se recusou a me dar a carta de venda porque eles não receberam o pagamento do carro da HDFC.

Este é o meu humilde pedido para tomar as medidas necessárias contra os culpados e liberar o dinheiro para o revendedor.

Eu criei minha conta recentemente, minha inicial foi digitada incorretamente como & # 8216; y & # 8217; ao invés de & # 8216; v & # 8217; por isso, peço gentilmente que você o altere.

Nosso negócio está sendo afetado devido ao mau atendimento. Seu site está inativo desde ontem e mostra erro. Temos uma conta corrente e precisamos de pelo menos 50 transações do NEFT por dia. Isso não é bom para um banco de renome como o seu.

Eu recebi o extrato mensal da conta através do correio, mas não recebi a senha para abrir gentilmente me enviar minha senha.

Eu mudei meu celular não. recentemente. Como posso atualizar meu celular no. para que eu possa obter todas as atualizações via sms para cada transação feita usando o meu cartão de débito HDFC.

basta ligar para a linha de apoio da HDFC.

No dia 26 de novembro, às 21:31 de um caixa eletrônico do SBI localizado em Gadiannaram, Hyderabad, eu tirei Rs. 1000 / -. Fiquei chocado ao notar que recebi um recibo e um alerta no meu celular, mas não recebi a quantia / moeda da máquina. Eu tentei explicar para a pessoa responsável, mas ele sem rodeios expressou ignorância, e me pediu para reportar ao HDFC.

No caso do acima, por favor, deixe-me saber o que fazer.

por favor, ligue para o banco e faça uma reclamação.

Para o meu número de cliente 21634117 eu tinha dado por escrito para reduzir a minha estrutura fiscal dos atuais 30,9% para 10%, conforme o Tratado de dupla tributação assinado entre o Kuwait e a Índia.

Nenhuma ação está sendo feita a partir de agora. Você poderia investigar seu status e voltar para mim assim que possível?

Estou usando o cartão pré-pago HDFC Forex. Atualmente estou na África e voltarei para a Índia no dia 15 de dezembro de 2011. Eu gostaria de confirmar uma coisa que eu posso retirar meu saldo restante no forex pré-pago mais cartão da Índia. Caso sim então qual é o procedimento para o mesmo? Quer dizer, eu posso sacar o dinheiro via caixa eletrônico ou eu vou seguir qualquer outro procedimento.

Olá senhor, eu tive um empréstimo de duas rodas com seu banco .. por favor envie-me a declaração de conta por e-mail.

quem é o RH do ranchi HDFC.

Eu tenho uma conta salarial HDFC, aberta há 7 anos em Hyderabad. Atualmente estou trabalhando em Bangalore e local nativo é vijayawada. Eu gostaria de mudar meu ramo. Você poderia, por favor, me avisar que é possível alterar o ramo de contas salariais de Hyd para Vijayawada.

sim, é possível alterar o ramo.

Como posso obter declarações de mais de 3 anos? Online não tem essa facilidade. Se eu solicitar, o HDFC me enviará para o meu email?

você pode visitar sua filial local e fazer uma solicitação para as mesmas taxas.

Eu tenho cartão de crédito HDFC, mas comecei a usá-lo apenas nos últimos meses. Eu tenho facilidade de retirada de dinheiro e usado no mês passado para tirar algum dinheiro. Quando o banco da HDFC ofereceu o cartão, as pessoas do banco ficaram para trás até eu dizer sim. Eles não mencionaram que se eu retirar dinheiro eles vão cobrar Rs. 300 por transação. Eu queria uns 7000 rs. e eu retirei dinheiro duas vezes, pois por transação eu posso sacar apenas rs. 5000. Quando vejo meu nov. Eu estou tão chateado que o banco me cobrou Rs. 600 para duas transações e, além disso, eles cobraram Rs. 155 como encargos financeiros. Isso significa para Rs. 7000 eles cobraram Rs. 750 por mês. Isso é um saque. Por que eles estão dizendo uma mentira que eles dão crédito de 50 dias para usar o cartão de crédito? Por que eles enganam o público?

O departamento de cartão de crédito bloqueou o meu cartão, apesar de o pagamento ter sido cancelado.

se o pagamento for cancelado, por que o banco deve bloquear seu cartão?

Eu quero saber qual é o mandato mais longo para empréstimo de propriedade .. é 20 anos ou 15 anos.

Se eu tomar empréstimo de cerca de 15 lakh por 15 anos, o que será EMI por mês.

os números de atendimento ao cliente são fornecidos ... basta ligar para eles :)

Eu recebi uma ligação de um de seus executivos se estou interessado em solicitar um empréstimo pessoal. Como queria me candidatar, concordei prontamente e enviei os documentos solicitados. Eu também tinha assinado o formulário de inscrição que eles tinham no meu local de trabalho. Tem sido 3 meses e me pedem para produzir alguns ou outro documento e está sendo adiada. Eu não estou feliz com o que está acontecendo.

Eu tinha um cartão de crédito da sua empresa. O cartão foi extraviado de mim em março de 2008.

Eu dei Pedido para bloquear meu cartão de crédito no banco HDFC, mas depois de algum tempo seu operador me ligou e disse que há um pagamento devido de Rs 2500 /. Eu tinha dado o pagamento através de recuperação aegnt .. agora depois de dois anos estou recebendo chamadas dizendo ainda está pendente de pagamento .. Por favor, feche minha conta o mais rápido possível.

por engano temos o pagamento eletrônico do Imposto CBDT no valor de Rs.7778 / = em vez de Rs.778 /. Pleaes cancelam a transação e revertem a entrada.

Por favor, faça uma reclamação com o suporte ao cliente.

Eu vou abrir uma conta poupança para que eu preciso de um agente para vir em minha casa & # 8230; .. por favor, conselhos.

por favor, ligue para o suporte ao cliente HDFC e eles vão organizar um executivo para visitar a casa.

Solicitei uma conta ISA para fundos mútuos no último mês. Meu status KYC está atualizado. Falei com um dos representantes do banco hoje, mas foi informado de que as autoridades do banco local entrariam em contato comigo.

Eu tinha tomado dois wheeler empréstimo do seu banco, que foi concluída através de EMI por ECS E ÚLTIMA 3 EMI BALANCE. but até à data, não recebi a minha declaração de empréstimo nos últimos 2 anos.

Eu estou tendo um empréstimo twowheeler do seu banco. Agora eu quero saber o montante total do empréstimo restante. Para que eu possa liberar o empréstimo antes de sua posse. Você pode por favor me ajudar nesse sentido?

por favor ligue para o banco HDFC nos números indicados nesta página ..

Eu tinha tomado um empréstimo de duas rodas do seu banco que foi concluído através da EMI. mas até a data eu não recebi o certificado do NOC.

por favor envie este o mais cedo possível.

3 de agosto de 2011.

Eu gostaria de ter os detalhes de contato do chefe do país para o Chennai Branch. Por favor, forneça o mesmo.

Cumprimentos. / Ratnam Ganesh.

Estou muito desapontado com a atitude de imunidade do seu departamento de serviço ao investidor. Eu havia enviado um e-mail para & # 8216; [e-mail & # 160; protegido & rd; & # 8217; em 26 de julho para um inquérito específico, mas não recebeu nenhuma resposta. O texto do email está sendo reproduzido abaixo,

Meu primo Falguni vyas permanecendo no Canadá com seus parentes na Índia no C-28, Sahyog Society, Refinery Road, Vadodara-390016;

tinha investido Rs. 45.000 / = com & # 8216; Helios e Matheson Information Technology Ltd. & # 8217; em 7 de setembro de 2006.

Isso foi vencido em 7 de setembro de 2008 e os cheques do principal, bem como o montante de juros de Rs.8307 / = foram emitidos pela empresa de seu HDFC Bank a / c.

Estas verificações foram emitidas pela referida empresa a partir de seu a / c não. 00602 ***** 708 do HDFC Bank (Forte Branch), que chegou em algumas mãos erradas, que as embolsou em 6 de outubro de 2008 (como debitado acima mencionado a / c da empresa).

Por favor, ajude-nos urgentemente com detalhes da pessoa e seu a / c. não. com detalhes bancários em que esses cheques foram creditados, já que meu primo está deixando o Canadá em poucos dias.

Esperando 2 obter uma resposta rápida com detalhes desejados,

Com os devidos cumprimentos,

** Esperando uma resposta urgente & # 8230;

Por que você não está ligando para o atendimento ao cliente para o mesmo? eles devem ser capazes de responder de maneira rápida.

Eu tenho Salário A / c. com o banco ur, que é saldo zero A / c .. Agora eu não estou recebendo salário neste A / c. Mas eu estou usando este A / c para o reembolso do meu empréstimo pessoal com o banco do ur. Mas no banco 6/5 me cobrou taxas AQB. Eu quero saber por que o banco cobrava as taxas do AQB quando eu estava com saldo zero A / c.

Por favor me guie imediatamente.

Esta carta é escrita para você, a fim de saber as taxas da conta bancária e se uma conta de estudante com saldo zero pode ser aberta com um cartão de débito.

Furthur Eu queria saber sobre 1 mês FDRs que são uma tendência recente & # 8211; seu requisito de saldo mínimo e outras informações básicas de nessário.

Por favor, deixe-me saber o mais cedo possível para que eu possa tomar as medidas necessárias em conformidade.

Eu tenho reservado um apartamento na Casa Rio, que está em construção, e eu tenho aproveitado um empréstimo à habitação da HDFC Ltd. Meu prédio está na fase de plinto, então eu quero saber se eu posso aproveitar empréstimo para o valor todo valor total de consideração meu apartamento e fazer o pagamento antecipado que seria o benefício dele para o mesmo.

Revisão do cartão de crédito de Hdfc Bank Infinia.

Revisão de cartão de crédito da Infinia & # 8211; Um dos melhores cartões de crédito na Índia.

Banco Hdfc & # 8211; o pioneiro na indústria de cartão de crédito surgiu com uma oferta única de alguns anos atrás para os indianos ultra ricos & # 8211; o cartão de crédito Infinia. Como o nome significa, denota possibilidades ilimitadas em todos os aspectos. Este é um dos melhores cartões de crédito super premium na Índia que todos os entusiastas de cartão de crédito sonham. A razão é a sua infinita capacidade em quase tudo o que oferece a partir do acesso ao lounge para campos de golfe. Este é o cartão que eu quero pegar um dia ou outro por razões óbvias e eu estou no meio do caminho 🙂

Vamos ver por que é tão especial.

Benefícios exclusivos do cartão de crédito Infinia:

Limite de crédito super alto:

O Cartão de Crédito da Infinia se enquadra no & # 8220; Visa INFINITE & # 8221; ou "Master Card World" & # 8221; variante e vem com um limite de crédito mínimo de 10Lakhs. Eu já ouvi pessoas segurando no limite 7Lakh embora. Eles dizem que tem um recurso exclusivo de NPSL * (sem limite de gastos pré-definidos). No entanto, você precisa estar ciente de que você não pode simplesmente ir em frente e comprar uma Ferrari imediatamente? como eles terão limites internos que serão aumentados se julgados razoáveis ​​olhando em seus registros passados.

Love EMI? Você pode colocar qualquer coisa e tudo na EMI por anos junto com esse tipo de limite de crédito quando ficar sem dinheiro. Você pode manter seus fundos de negócios flutuando por 50 dias com seu período de juros livre usando uma linha de crédito mais alta. Você pode aproveitar uma quantidade maior de empréstimo e & amp; Insta jumbo Empréstimo no cartão de crédito que tem taxas de juros muito boas, se você estiver procurando por um dinheiro rápido.

Impressionante taxa de recompensa de 3,3% em cada gasto:

Você ganha 5 pontos de recompensa por cada gastos em qualquer lugar e em qualquer lugar, sem quaisquer restrições. Isso lhe dá uma quantidade equivalente de Rs.3.30 para cada rs.100 gasto. Você pode facilmente economizar Rs.3, 300 para cada 1 lakh gasto no cartão. Não apenas isso, você pode economizar 2X se gastar em restaurantes & amp; sites airvistara / hdfcbankinfinia, também 5x adicionados recentemente. Isso equivale a Rs.6, 600 em economias para cada 1 Lakh gasta.

Taxa de Recompensa Padrão: 3,3% Taxa de Recompensa Acelerada: 6,6% (2X em Refeições / airvistara / hdfcbankinfinia) Taxa de Recompensa Acelerada: 16,5% (5X com comerciantes limitados)

Acesso Ilimitado ao Lounge em todo o mundo:

Com a adesão ao passe de prioridade, você pode obter acesso ilimitado aos lounges do aeroporto em todo o mundo. Uma das maiores vantagens deste cartão é que até mesmo o membro do cartão suplementar / complementar pode ter acesso gratuito ao lounge. Este recurso está disponível em poucos cartões na Índia. Isso é muito benéfico se você viaja com seus parceiros / filhos com frequência.

Muita economia e paz de espírito durante a viagem, descansando em um lugar confortável. Com Lounges, você tem acesso a comida de cortesia, wifi, café, interiores luxuosos, etc.

Pensando em uma turnê mundial com a família e acesso gratuito ao lounge em todos os lugares? O cartão de crédito da Infinia é para você !!

Viagem Estrangeira é mais recompensadora:

Taxa de marcação em moeda estrangeira: 2% + taxa de recompensa de imposto: 3,3% Ganhos líquidos: 1%

Ele tem a menor taxa de juros de 2% em moeda estrangeira, tornando-o o melhor cartão para roubar no exterior. Devo dizer que o cartão de crédito HDFC Bank Infinia é o melhor cartão de crédito para viagens internacionais que você pode ter.

Suporte mais rápido ao cliente & amp; Serviço de concierge pessoal:

Conecte-se mais rapidamente com o Infinia Phone Banker dedicado que pode ajudá-lo a fazer as coisas. Eles também são pouco informados. Seu serviço de concierge pessoal pode poupar muita dor de cabeça com o seu planejamento de viagem. Tudo o que você precisa fazer é ligar, dizer o que quiser e eles encontrarão o melhor negócio para você. Seja transferência de limusine ou táxi ou hotel ou qualquer outra coisa.

Cobertura de seguro atraente & amp; outras regalias:

Você tem cobertura acidental de acidente de ar de 1cr e 12L cobertura de hospitalização acidental no exterior. Então você não precisa fazer um seguro de viagem separado. A Infinia cobre todos vocês. Além disso, você também recebe isenção de sobretaxa de combustível (limitado a Rs.1000 / ciclo de faturamento) e você pode retirar dinheiro de até 40% do seu limite de crédito sem qualquer taxa de retirada de dinheiro, no entanto, interesses serão aplicáveis.

Avaliação CardExpert: 5/5.

Resgate de pontos de recompensa & amp; Milhas aéreas:

Bem, isso é bastante razões para segurar um. Infinia é o único cartão na Índia que pode fornecer benefícios inigualáveis ​​a uma taxa de adesão muito baixa. This card is best suited if you wish to covert your reward points to be redeemed for direct hotel/flight booking/recharge using their website. You can also convert to air miles.

But if you wish to play with air miles, you need to go for HDFC Diners Jet credit card as you get 5 JP miles for every spent. Whereas in Infinia, you can get only.

3.3 JP Miles for every Rs.100.

Additionally, you can also go for diners club black credit card. They run 10x promotions quite often which can save you a lot, with their limited partners. 10X promo is god send and it beats Infinia just for that reason.

Note: Diners credit cards does have acceptance issues, especially out of India.

Final Thoughts on Infinia Credit Card:

So unless or until you’re so much bothered on air miles, there is no better credit card you can ever have in India except Infinia, especially for Priority Pass. However, getting approved for one is not that easy. Talk to your HDFC Relationship manager if you’re eligible for the same. If you’re finding it tough to grab one, consider going for Regalia credit card which stands one step below Infinia. Impressed about the features? Do share your views.

How to get Approved for Infinia Credit Card?

That’s a million $ question, though, after knowing about some of the Infinia cardholders for a while, i can say: its not a child’s game. Most HDFC Premium credit cards are issued/upgraded based on the credit limit, but Infinia needs more that just limit. You need 45L ITR to get fresh card, however, for upgrade, this is the expectation:

20L range may help Very High spends on existing card Maximum exposure to other HDFC products preferably loans, current a/c, OD, policies etc.

In other words, you need to be a real High Net-worth Individual (as per your ITR), or, should have given lots of profits to the bank in the past to get approved for Infinia. So wondering why the rules are so strict? Well, what if you swipe your lovely Priority pass 50 times a year? Who pays for it? Its surprisingly YOU 🙂

They give back what they have earned from your past relationship with the bank – those profits they made on loans, insurance policies, etc. Still confused as where to start? Drop your comments below, or Catch me on call, i can come up with a bespoke solution based on your financial situation to help you get one. Check out my Consultation page.

Eu sou um cartão de crédito freak pontos de recompensa e cashback por anos. Obcecado com a aviação, lounges de aeroportos e viagens de luxo a um custo acessível.

184 thoughts on “ Hdfc Bank Infinia Credit Card Review ”

You need to take the annual fees of the card when you gush about the 3.3% discount. Does not seem seem too great against a 30kfee to get in.

Annual fee is waived off on 8L spend. It surely make sense to have the card only for high spenders and airport lounge lovers 🙂

will there be additional annual fee for add on cards for other family members.

No, Add-on cards are generally free.

Any ballpark income eligibility for a salaried individual with decent past credit history? Obrigado.

12L+ on IT is a good number for them to consider,

But some guys i knew have received it as they have better relationship value with bank. Completely depends on the customer profile and HDFC doesn’t have any pre-set rule for the same.

how can I apply for this credit card? I don’t see any option.

Its invite only card. You should ask your RM or visit branch.

you have said that annual charges are waived off if u spend 8L per year. i couldn’t find any such link anywhere. could u list the link on your website ? right now, i hold a Regalia card although my spends per year are much more than the desired limit.

I can see that its not mentioned anywhere now. But i happen to see it earlier (an year back). maybe they’ve changed the policies now. Better to have a word with HDFC support for more info.

Have you heard cases where this card is offered as a lifetime free card? I currently have a regalia card on which I have spent about 6 lacs in the last 8 months that I’ve had the card. Wanted to know if I can get a lifetime free upgrade.

Drop them an email and give it a try. If your income on IT and relationship value is good enough, they may issue infinia as LTF.

My relation ship manager said one need 25 lakh plus ITR for Infinia , I have 14lakh and he said he will try but not sure. Fees is only 10,000 and not 30K . what are other 2 -3 cards which offer free unlimited lounge access worldwide and to add on card too. Obrigado.

You can get easily with that IT if you’ve used the other card with HDFC for an yr or so. They either need your usage history or sky high IT.

Citi Prestige has unlimited access as well.


Yes, for Add-on Cards, you have to request priority pass Card separately over Infinia Helpline.

Muito obrigado.

Finally I got invitation for infinia card after on after one year old regalia i got invitation call on my birthday date 2 August one thing I noticed that with hdfc bank that who use card very less like me they give more offers i got this card with only four years old credit history with hdfc bank and i have used only single card and one interesting thing I want to tell you i paid all of my credit card bill before the statement generated date and my use is on my regalia is only 1 to 5% of credit limit and while upgradation limit on my old card is 3 lakh and iam a farmer by occupation with no itr.

Maybe they’re issuing as your 4 yr track record is good, also depends on how much balance you’re maintaining on your Savings A/c.

I tried hard to get Infinia card, however it has been rejected. I am an Imperia customer and holding Regalia from a very long time. My banking history is very good with very high balance maintained. Inspite of this, my request was rejected stating that take home salary should be 3.5 lakhs.

Thanks for the awesome blog post. I am a super high spender. (2-3L spend a month). Which card should I opt for (Infinia or Regalia).

Obviously infinia, if you’re eligible for it.

Hey Siddharth….a very informative forum indeed!

could you do an article on best credit cards for all categories please?

I already own an Amex Platinum Card.

Want to go for another Card with a premium feel but a Master/Visa that is accepted everywhere.

Which one shuld I go fr.. Spends on my new card will be.

2 LPA.. as I plan to limit my spends on AmEx to 4L.. for Maximum benefit seeking. Also, I splurge a lot o f money but dont like paying much for an Annual/Renewal Fee.

Was considering Regelia.. Heard they are downgrading it.. Still worth it? Or something else?

Regalia is still good. You can also checkout Yesbank/SBI cards. And of course Infinia if you’re eligible.

AMEX Platinum is a top of the line charge card in India. It comes for a cool ₹50K/annum fees. I guess, you wanted to say AMEX Platinum Travel Card.

Nice forum, I am a regalia holder i think since atleast 4 – 5 years. They have steadily increased limit to 6 lakhs which i presume is max for regalia. I want to upgrade to infinia but they say it is by invitation only. I am a heavy spender with good credit history with ITR of 13L. I feel there is not much clarity about eligibility especially after reading Sumit and VK’s case. It will be great if you can get exact information about eligibility criteria for infinia. Obrigado.

Talk to your branch. Only they can take approval if they’re okay with your usage/limit etc.

With this limit, you’ve more possibility to get Infinia. Boa sorte 🙂

Since there is unlimited lounge access via priority pass do one gets the PP prestige/PP select or the normal one?

Its a normal one with unlimited access. Its like, HDFC buys a bulk amount of visits from PP and give away across multiple cards. PP don’t even know the limits/visits avail on your HDFC issued PP card.

Here’s a response PP gave me when i asked the free visits left:

According to the membership number you’ve provided, your Priority Pass card was issued to you by your bank or credit card. They issue their own Priority Pass cards and administer their own accounts so you will need to contact them directly for account information, charge information or material requests.

Are you aware if HDFC can issue the Infinia as a Secured Credit Card, since HDFC does offer secured credit cards already. I have three extremely high value (upwards of 50L+ each) in name of three of my family members (seperately, of course) & I would like to avail the HDFC Infinia against these FD’s with 70-80% of total FD amount…

Am unsure about it. However, this is very high value. If you can talk to Branch Manager, he can get it for you without even placing lien on your FD 🙂

It all depends on how long you’ve been dealing with the bank.

Thanks for your answer brother. I’m in talks with the bank for this now, & I have no issues if they place a lien on the FD’s, in order to get me what I want 🙂

i just wanted to conform that Hdfc infinia card has a min limit of 10 L and there is no upper preset limit.

my query to you is, in the infinia card ‘statment’, what is the Crdit Limit printed\shown?

Only Infinia Holders will know it. Anyways, some Infinia cards are also given with <10L limit 🙂

I tried speaking with my RM today, and they mentioned that they need an ITR -> Taxable income of 36 lakhs to be eligible for Infinia, which I thought was absurd! Ive been holding a Regalia for 1.5 years, and an HDFC Classic banking customer for last 5 years. Not sure how do i negotiate with HDFC to get an Infinia card? Por favor ajude!

It depends on your Credit limit. What range are you in?

I got it as a Director of a company. My income was below 10L and Company’s income was above 1 Cr. We are HDFC Bank customer for more than 13 years.

Glad to see a Infinia holder here 🙂

Yes, it should be possible because HDFC looks at the overall relationship with the bank.

You said Infinia gives value of 3.3% but as per HDFC Reward Catalog.

Lets take Shoppers Stop GV example, to get 500 Rs you need 930 point (Category G)

for that one has to spend 27900 , then the value is coming as close to 1.79% instead of 3.3%.

Am I mistaken somewhere in above calculation.

HDFC points are best used when you redeem in respective portals,

like in infinia portal in this case.

Where, 1 Point = 1 Rupee (for comparison, 1 point in Allmiles = 0.25ps now )

Catalog Redemption’s are poor yes.

I have hdfc regalia with limit of 530000.using it from last 3 yrs. Is there is any to get infinia.

Limit is good enough for the upgrade.

They look into the usage too. Did u approach the branch?

A personal question out of curiosity. What is the credit limit on your Diners Black Card?

Obviously I couldn’t say that 🙂

I am finding American Express Gold Card best, Let me explain.

Amex Gold Benefit are Amazon GV 11000 for 24000 Points.

for every 4 swipe of 1000 Rs you get 1000 point , so in a year you get 12000 easily.

To get rest 12000, you have spend 6 Lacs Ruppess (AMEX Gold gives 2 per 100),

So if you spend 6 Lac you get 11000 rs Amazon GV (There are other Gift but I am taking this as it give complete monetary value)

2% per 100 Rupee spent as compared to Infinia where its lesser value in Catalog redemption.

Well, with Gold charge card, you can get statement credit which is the best option than vouchers.

yes, i’ve explained this 2% value back on the respective Amex post.

Only challenge is the acceptance though.

Yeah , I am using from 2011 in Bangalore and Amex getting better and better.

I strongly advise AMEX Gold for anyone who ask for credit card.

What is the limit of Amex gold card.

I will be getting my Infinia card in few days so i was searching exact benefits of that my interest is more in Upgrade of my flights already Air india SBI card treated badly in this i transfered all my miles to Air india despite crossing Maharajah status miles barrier i was told i wont get any status well that was my mistake i should have asked before transfer of all my reward points anyways can anyone help me with exact Airmiles i will earn on annual spent of 20 lacs exact as in i mostly travel by Lufthansa , Emirates , Etihad and Turkish sometimes will this Infinia card gonna help me in that ? i have had Amex Platinum since decade along with hsbc platinum and SBI Air india none of them has ever gave me any kind of flying benefits but atleast Amex have been very very kind and they do pay attention towards every small thing customer ask back to help 🙂 i hope someone will guide me how to use this card for my travel .

Use the card on 5x and 2x categories that HDFC is promoting these days. That will get you a lot of points which you can redeem for flights as revenue tickets.

Btw, good to see yet another Infinia member here.

Everyone would be interested to know your Infinia application process. Feel free to share the same 🙂

I recently shifted my business to HDFC and I am being offered either the Infinia or the Diners Club Black. Which one would you recommend?

Great job with the blog though. Hope to see more posts.

Depends on your spend areas.

I would recommend black if you travel/shop often to avail their 10X rewards.

I’m eligible to take Infinia or Diner black. My major spends are shopping and air tickets. IS Diner black better than Infinia.

I wanted to know why there is fuss about Infinia and difficulty getting it, when the Amex gold card is also having ‘NPSL’

being the only difference between them that one is a credit card and other is a charge card.

Infinia comes with a far higher limit & ongoing benefits compared to gold card 🙂

Iam a AMEX GOLD card user. Joining fee was Rs 1000+ST. In one year, the benefits I got are,

1) Rs 10000 statement credit for achieving 24000 MR points. This I did with so ease.

a) 5000 MR joining points.

b) 12000 on spending card 4 times (Rs 10000 plus)

c) 1000 points for a standing instruction + 2000 points for supplementary card+other regular spends.

2) Got Rs 20000 Tanishq voucher for spending 2 lakhs in a month.

3) Got Rs 15000 Taj vouchers.

4) Saved Rs 1000 plus with 3% fuel cash back.

On top of all, the priceless customer care.

Post reading this comment, i asked my Dad (Classic account with Business dealings with HDFC) to apply for this upgrade.

And HDFC BM told he will have his Ragalia upgraded to Infinia for Free of cost(anyway existing is free he informed).

Also mine is upgraded to Regalia (first or plain – not sure, just got SMS)

Without these posts i wouldnt have known all these details. I said lot of thanks, but once again thanks.

Have a great time with Infinia & your Regalia 🙂

I am not sure how did you calculate 3.3% reward rate. Per their reward catalog, every point is normally worth of 0.5Rs (500 shoppers stop voucher for 960 points). So for 150Rs, you are getting 2.5 Rupee cash back. That means effectively 1.66% reward rate ?

Calculated with Infinia site redemptions.

You really need to be loaded to get Infinia. You need a monthly post tax take home of Rs. 3.5 L. By contrast you can get DC Black at just Rs. 1.75 L take home.

I have a Regalia card with Rs 600,000 /- limit. Have been using this for the past 2.5 yrs. I spoke to my RM regarding the upgrade. He says only people with ITR of 45 lakhs or more are eligible. I am getting all kinds of offers on netbanking like Jumbo Loan of 10 Lakhs, Insta Loan of 450000 etc except for the elusive upgrade to Infinia. My Regalia is due for renewal this September. Should I wait until September and see if they offer me this upgrade ? any suggestions ?

That’s a nice limit Hari.

Talk directly to branch manager. If your other relationship value with the bank is decent, it will go through quite easily 🙂

Obrigado. I will give it a try.

I am not holding bank account with hdfc, but using hdfc credit card from the last 7 years and now holding regalia (holding from last 1 year)with 6Lakhs as limit. whenever ask for upgrade, they mention it is bank invite and I ask in bank they mention need to 30L + as salary. is it correct ?

With 6L limit, you’ve more possibility for infinia, if you have their other products like savings a/c.

Annual fee has been reduced to 10K these days.

can i use my personal hdfc diner club black card for my private limited company purchase ? and make the payment of my card from the company account.

That highly depends on how you file your ITR, talk to your Auditor 🙂

Its confirtmed HDFC is not considering existing card limit for upgrade to Infinia.

The HDFC BM said the requirement of 3.5 lacs/pm income, is mandatory.

He said that this criteria is in place so that the exclusivility of the card is maintained.

Criteria is indeed very strict, though, they’ll consider your limits, spends and relationship value.

How does hdfc infinia compare with Citibank prestige? With regard to overall rewards, global acceptance and best return for money.

It depends on what kind of redemption you prefer. Citi Prestige is mainly for ppl playing the Points and miles game.

Can I issue infania as a corporate card on my business itr which is 50L+

Proprietor Business? if so, you’ve a chance.

Else, its a completely new entity as it comes with a different PAN.

No Siddharth its a private LTD company.

Then you might get a chance if the said current a/c is with HDFC, which means more relationship value.

No I’m an sbi customer.

I have Axis Bank Visa Signature Credit Card since 2013 with good credit history, limit 1.9L. Recently acquired Regalia Business, limit 3L and an SBI Elite, limit 1L. Spends are usually 50K per month avg. Should I try hard to get Infinia or do you think I can make good with the above ?

Nice expert reviews. I have a question about HDFC Infinia card for you. Is it issued to both Resident Indian and Non resident Indian. I was informed by HDFC that only Regalia is for NRIs.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

Am not sure about this. Though, i don’t see any reason to differentiate as long as you’ve good Relationship with Bank.

I see from the HDFC website that Regalia Visa Signature variant is being issued to Non-Residents as NR Regalia (so Regalia comes as Regular Regalia, Business Regalia and NR Regalia) which seems to require a NRO account with HDFC. The card bill also needs to be settled by the linked NRO account.

I see, there is also another one, Doctor’s Regalia. 😀

Being offered both Infinia and Citi Prestige. My annual spend is 20L mostly corporate travel. Suggestion which one should I use? It seems Infinia has better reward returns?

Why not get both? 🙂

There is 20K fee for Citi and 10K for HDFC. Is there a benefit of getting both?

My spend is half flights and remain in hotel etc. As I understand Infinia will give 3.3% to 6.6℅ return where as Prestige will give only max of 3%. All other benefits seems quite same.

Citi is known for its Hotel Transfer partners and Prestige is known for the Limo benefit. If you don’t need these, then Infinia would do.

It is not just 3.3 -6.6%. You also get 5X with many merchants incl MMT. But if you need limo drops etc you canconsider Prestige as Sid says.

Currently i am holding Regalia with 4L limit (LTF) for past 1 year and HDFC credit card account for almost 8 years. Also, i am classic customer have saving a/c for almost 5 years. am I eligible for infinia? and what approach should i take to apply.

Its quite tough. You need Imperia range of relationship to get Infinia.

I currently am a preferred account holder with HDFc but am eligible for Imperia Banking as well. However the branch i have my account in does not offer imperia accounts. Therefore i will have to transfer my account to another branch in order to get my account converted to Imperia.

I currently have a Diners Club Premium card which is LTF. Should i transfer my account and get it coverted to Imperia ?

Will i be getting any extra benefits on that ?

Though my current income doesn’t qualify for Infinia but will converting to a Imperia account make me eligible for a Infinia (LTF) ?

You can certainly get Diners Black with Imperia but Infinia is a hit or miss.

As i mentioned in the article, Imperia will help to certain extent, but you also need other to be strong in other aspects as i mentioned in the article.

You don’t have to transfer all your accounts to another branch just because you want imperia upgrade, Talk to the branch with has imperia program and they will remove preferred relationship manager and assign Imperia relationship manager, You will have bank accounts in your existing branch only but your imperia rm will be in new branch. I did the same so i know for sure.

P. S your preferred RM will not tell you this because he will loose you as a customer so talk directly to imperia RM.

i have just been upgraded to Infinia. I do not have a salary of 40 lakhs and instead my gross annual income is Rs. 26 lakhs. if you would like to know the reasons for the upgradation, i guess the following could come in handy for anyone looking for Infinia. i have been a customer of HDFC Bank for nearly 17 years. i have also spent more than Rs. 12 lakhs with my Regalia during the current financial year. Besides, i work for the central government. my branch manager was of the view that Rs. 26 lakhs in govt is worth more than Rs. 50 lakhs in private sector( govt has no concept of CTC and instead every reimbursement other than salary is on actuals). btw, the limit that they have given on my Infinia is only Rs. 8 lakh. so i guess you were right on the money when you said that its the relationship that matters and not just the salary. Take heart, everyone !

Congrats on Infinia!

Yes, it does go in line with the pattern that i’ve seen with other Infinia card holders 🙂

Thank you very much for sharing your experience.

Here is a useful information on how to get HDFC Bank’s INFINIA CREDIT CARD.

I inquired about Infinia Credit Card while i was HDFC Bank’s preferred customer and my Preferred Relationship Manager said that I need 40Lacks ITR and there is no way around it, If i have lower ITR like 30 to 35Lacks then they maybe able to push for approval but there is no guarantee,

But I was recently upgraded to HDFC BANK’S IMPERIA PROGRAM, and i was assigned new IMPERIA RELATIONSHIP MANAGER, so i inquired again about INFINIA CREDIT CARD, and they said i need 21lacks ITR, But i has only 15lacks ITR so they offered me this card against FIXED DEPOSITE of 6 LACKS, 15LACKS ITR + 6LACKS FIXED DEPOSITE = 21LACKS, That is how they explained to me,

I have already completed documentation and awaiting for CREDIT CARD.

True with the said points.

Also, Interesting about the FD thing. Did they mark a lien on the card?

Since they issued this card against FD, I can not widraw this FD aslong as i hold this card, I have to surrender this card then only can i widraw FD.

Do keep us posted about your experience once you receive it 🙂

Just received my Infinia Card, I didn’t have to cancel my regalia to get Infinia, Regalia gets canceled automatically when i got Infinia. My regalia was lifetime free this is not even tough its gives as an upgrade, anual fee of 10000 is charged but in return i get 10000 rewards so its practically free.

Thanks for sharing your experience with Infinia, especially the Imperia RM without change of branch part is very useful.

A quick qn, your regalia was non-FD based card,

and now you’ve got Infinia based on FD, likely @ 80% of the FD amount,

or, was it Regalia old limit+FD amount?

congrats Malav kumar for the INFINIA.

I just wanted to ask you, how is the procedure to get upgraded to IMPERIA? especially in your case. thanks.

I am from Ahmadabad so i will share my experience about HDFC Bank Ahmadabad,

In Ahmadabad, only 4 HDFC bank branches have imperia Banking facility, other branches are preferred branches only, so if you have account in any of the imperia branch then only will you get your upgrade, otherwise its tough,

My account was in non imperia branch so i was stuck with preferred account, i asked for upgrade to imperia but they never gave me straight answer, but one fine day i learned from hdfc bank’s ex employee that preferred branch couldn’t give me upgrade to imperia even if they want to because they don’t have imperia RM, and if they change my RM to imperia branch(without transferring my account to imperia branch) then i would get imperia upgrade, so i went to imperia branch and talked to Imperia RM and he asked my Preferred RM about my wish to change RM and i was assigned new RM with imperia upgrade, Preferred RM was bit hesitant about letting me go as a client because RM’s usually get incentives from the products they sell to us(life insurance, car insurance, demate accounts), but i stood my ground and i got upgrade,

PS, you have to meet eligibility criteria for imperia upgrade which are as below.

Maintain a minimum Average Monthly Balance of Rs.30 Lakhs across all your Savings and Fixed Deposit* accounts.

Maintain an Average Quarterly Balance of Rs.10 Lakhs in your Savings account. OU.

Maintain an Average Quarterly Balance of Rs.15 Lakhs in your Current account.

I hold good relation with HDFC Bank’s ex employee because i bought lot of life insurances and opened many accounts for my family members, so we keep in touch even though he left a job at HDFC Bank, I will share what he told me, This is all insider information, and this may help you get Premium Credit Card with HDFC Bank,

Each HDFC Bank Branch has one credit card guy who will sell you credit card, one Life insurance guy who will sell you life insurance and all other employees like branch managers and backup branch managers and Relationship managers and Cashier, and receptionist etc, so every branch manager reports to Cluster Manager, what it means is if there are 20 branches in Bandra, mumbai then all those branch managers report to Cluster manager,

In the same manner every branch’s credit card guy has Superior, So if you live in Bandra, Mumbai then your branch will have credit card guy who reports to someone who is not Branch Manager, but we can call him credit card cluster manager, so when we make special credit card request for odd upgrades like regalia to infinia or floater card etc then those requests get sent to HDFC Credit Card Cluster Managers, some cluster managers are quiet relaxed about rules and some are not so one person on this blog may have obtained upgrade or shared limit credit card while other person’s request might be rejected, so if your request seems to get rejected then try to move your account to another branch that’s at some distance from your old branch then make new request and u may have it approved, my infinia card was approved after moving my relationship manager from Memnagar, Ahmedabad to Thaltej, Ahmedabad, All requests are not sent to chennai for process and some are processed at you city only.

Thanks for sharing in depth info on approval process. Little correction on the last part. All decisions are made at chennai only, but the said “cluster manager” or the regional manager or the credit card manager, say for Mumbai, has the ability to recommend you on their own risk to Chennai guys to approve it. And when such requests come, chennai gas can’t reject it unless there is a credit limit/CIBIL issue. Its like, chennai guys are like President and the branch/regional managers are like Prime Minister 🙂

But matter of fact is, these guys don’t recommend your request easily unless or unless you got enough relationship with bank. In your case, its FD linked card and hence there is no reason for anyone to reject it as there is ZERO risk.

They gave me 8 lacks credit limit on Infinia Card,

My regalia had 8 lacks credit limit before i got upgrade, and i have 70 lacks in fixed deposit with hdfc bank, 20lacks FDs X 3 and one FD with 10Lack, so I got infinia credit card against 10 Lacks FD,

so it could be my old credit limit of 8 lacks or it could be 80% if 10 lacks which is 8 Lacks, Tough to tell,

But one thing they told me is my credit limit will not increase based on spending because this card is against FD, but i am not worried because i don’t spend 8 lacks in one month.

PS, Before i came to know of your website, i Thought i had the best rewarding credit card (REGALIA), and my only credit card but your website has helped me a lot, After i started reading your website, i applied for three more credit cards, If you allow then I would also love to share my journey about how i got regalia card and how my credit limit increased from 2,25,000 to 8,00,000 in two years with detailed spending pattern and and time between each credit limit increase and amount spent between two credit limit increases.

Glad that i was able to help 🙂

Sure, i’ll drop you an email shortly, we may put it as a separate article.

Good Info.. thanks for sharing…..I didnt get Inifinia… so finally ended up in Yes Exclusive LTF….

Dear Mr. Malav, thanks for sharing.

I am in Ahmedabad and eligible for imperia at my Vejalpur branch. But what is the advantage except zero locker rent ?

As per there website they charge Rs 100 plus tax every quarter programme fees same as preferred programme. It was waived off / revered last year after after written request.

Even after imperia member, no guarantee to get Infinia credit card. & # 8211; LTF.

Imperia program does not guarantee to get Infinia Credit Card but It certainly does help, Imperia RM usually has more authority then Preferred RM and he is usually more knowledgeable,

While I pay for 100rs + tax every quarter as program management fee for being imperia customer but you get lot more value in return, I will explain below.

so I pay 460 rs every year for just being in Imperia program every year,

i get RENT FREE LOCKER for life as long as i am part of imperia program, I have the largest locker which my HDFC BANK branch provides, Locker rent is 15,000+tax every year and i get it for free, so 15000 saving against giving 460rs as program management fee, some branches also have locker that is huge and rent is 40,000 and its also free for imperia customer,

I also have demate account with hdfc bank, they charge 800rs or so for opening it but i got it for 499 rs so 300 rs saving there, yearly rent for demate account is 750 rs but its lifetime free for me,

they also charge 15rs every quarter for messegs received on mobile for account transaction like cash deposits and withdrawals etc and that is also free for me so 60 per year saving there.

they also charge for international debit card but its free for me, premium debit card like platinum card cost 750 rs per year and i have it for free, there are no free debit cards with hdfc bank, they charge minimum 150 rs for debit card for non premium customers,

they also charge 200rs or so to replace debit card if you loose it or damage it but its free for me,

they charge 500rs to issue Forex Multi-currency Card but i got it for 250 rs because i am travelling to USA and it may help,

I also get preferential rate of intrest for all types of loans like car loan or home loan etc,


SO your total saving is.

40,000 for largest locker rent.

750 for premium debit card.

60 for sms alerts.

750 anual demate charges.

800 demate opening charge.

200 for debit card replacement.

So your total saving is 42,810, Now you tell me weather its worth it or not.

Thanks Mr Malav for in detail IMPERIA programme. It is the highest premium account at HDFC bank.

As a preferred customer I am getting all this benefits except locker rent ( I have to pay 50% rent ).

My programme management fees were waived off last year , so I am saving Rs. 460 also on this. You can try to get is waived off by calling and writing to your RM.

Mr Malav, your Infinia card is life time free – same as Regalia ??

Thanks Malav for sharing ur experience regarding IMPERIA n INFINIA.

Its nice to learn all internal process at HDFC bank cards.

Mr Malav, your Infinia card is life time free – same as Regalia ??

No it is not life time free, It has anual fee of 10,000 rs per year but in return i get 10,000 reward points worth 10,000 rs so its practically free.

Hi, you may need to pay 18% GST tax around 1800rs for 10000rs annual fee.

So this 10000 rewards points, we can redeem for credit card bill payment ? Or we need to purchase some other things like flight or anything from catalogue ??

Flight and other redemptions usually.

You can use 10,000 reward points to purchase thing from reward catalogue, recharge mobile and dth, book flight and hotel etc, but its best used and valued when used for hotel booking or flight booking and dth and mobile recharges.

I have a Housing Loan with HDFC and will fall in to their definition of HNI, will I be eligible for infinia card?

Just housing loan won’t help. Depends on lot other factors. Talk to your RM.

How is infinia better than hdfc diners black. I am planning to go for diners black (even though I am eligible for infinia)?

Can you please assist?

Infinia should fine as they’ve recently added 10X to all cards on smartly spends.

Is infinia like a pure superset of diners black then?

If not in what terms is it better? I have heard plenty about the features in diners black as far as lifestyle is concerned i. e 10x reward points, bookmyshow offers unlimited, unlimited lounge access, can use it for uber, Amazon etc.

Do we enjoy the same privileges if we hold infinia?

If you’re more of a person who needs 10X benefits, go for Black. Else, if you’re happy with unlimited PP and limited 10X benefits, Go for Infinia.

Thanks Siddharth. Will go for Diners black then.

Will upgrade to infinia if I get a better offer there.

I have recently upgraded from Diners Black to Infinia, mainly because the conversion rate in infinia is much better than Diners Black. Diners Black charges like almost 1 re more for each USD when compared to infinia.

I dont find any difference between the 2 except the 10X points offer in Diners Black. So diners black is better till the offer.

I see other blogs that hardly update content but you update regular and best part take time to reply to every comment here that users put, much appreciated mate great quality content with outstanding support. I took your consulting and after 3 months I drop an email with some query and you answer that in no time which is really sweet.

Keep up the great content.

Thanks for your kind words Yazi. Fique ligado!

Does HDFC Infinia gives 5X points for fuel purchase at gas stations ?

Okay, latest update regarding upgrading to Infinia. I hold a Diners Black from HDFC. Spoke to the relationship manager and inquired about an upgrade to Infinia. He said that was possible only if I had such an offer on my card. It wasn’t there on my card and I asked for alternates. He said that for salaried personnel the monthly income must be 4L and for self employed an ITR showing at least 40L.

I am NRE and holding a Regalia card. I don’t use the card much, however, I enquired about the Infinia card, and I wan told that I should have one of my FDs lien marked for 12 Lacs. I will check with my RM if there is an initial fee for the first year or not. But if they charge me 10K, then how do I get back that money (in terms of other benefits?)

You can use the points for flights.

But first of all, 12L on FD is not a right choice to park your money unless you plan to use Priority pass to the tune of 100 visits or so a year. I’ll write a detailed article on this in sometime.

HDFC want me to change my resident Regalia to NR Infinia but with INR 8 lac FD lien. My annual spend is approx. INR 12 lac. Shall I opt for it or go with SBI Prime / SBI Elite?

I feel SBI Prime’s reward points for insurance payments is 5% and my annual payment for insurance is around INR 10 lac. Another benefit I see with SBI Prime is I can pay dues using reward points which is not possible in Infinia.

Compliments on a great site! I have a query re Infinia vs Amex Plat travel as below:

& # 8211; My primary card is Amex Plat Travel credit card, which I have been holding since last 7 years (Amex KF before that). Annual fee was waived off every yr because of spend patterns (arnd 5L+ every yr) This year they are refusing to waive off, even though spend is 6.5L. I am thinking of cancelling this card as I dont want to pay the fee. I use the MR points heavily for air travel (Indigo) – family vacations, and this has been a big reason for this to be the primary card.

& # 8211; Other card is HDFC Regalia – used wherever Amex is not accepted. Guess the spend will be 1 – 1.5 lakhs a yr also. This is LTF due to relationship wt bank, credit limit 6L. Have Priority Pass card, which is also used. However, not a fan of the rewards program and have not used it much really.

I can get the HDFC Infinia with condition of 8L annual spend (therefore no cost). Hence my question is:

1. Should I cancel Amex Plat travel card to avoid the fee (6k incl GST)? Will I miss the vouchers (now Spicejet or their own travel portal)?

2. And if I cancel, will the Infinia have similar or better benefits than Amex travel (I am looking at travel vouchers mainly).

Would be great if you can respond at the earliest, as I need to make a decision fast.

Amex plat travel still has good reward rate. They seem to waive off on spends north of 10L these days. IF you’re limited to yearly spends of.

7L i guess you should continue with Amex as you also get travel offers.

There are many other factors to decide though. For ex, if you fly intl often, then Infinia might help due to unlimited PP.

You can use your MR points to waive off the charges.

i currently own a Regalia Credit Card and thinking of upgrading it to Infinia but i don’t use my card that much. will it be of any use if i upgrade or should i stay with Regalia??

If the PP usage is not much and card is generally used for shopping and travel with annual spend around 8L. Is Infinia card still good choice given that now I have an option to get one? or there are other cards that offer greater benefits?

Cancelled my Diners Jet because lack of acceptability.

Currently using combination of Amex Travel and HDFC Jet World.

Given that after 4L spend there is no incentive to use Amex platinum Travel.

Hey all . I recently got the email to convert my resident regalia to NR card . I applied on the online form with the FD made and there was radio silence for a week . When I checked up with the branch and phone banking , no one could give me an update on the application status . The branch said that NR infinia does not exist and the phone banking guys told me to talk to the branch. the branch also advised me to apply for NR regalia . When I mentioned about the email I got , they told me that a “central team “exists which sends the mail and they have also the authority to grant cards. they apparantly work parallel to the branch cards division. I am not an imperia customer with HDFC nor did I have a high credit limit with my old card . Any ways long story short I got my infinia card yesterday . I honestly don’t know what criteria they use to accept as it appears very random .

Do you maintain high-value Relationship value with HDFC? As in FDs?

I have been using Infinia since more then 4 years and I feel it’s still the best card available in market after Amex centurion. I travel a lot and often use the Priority pass program. This card helped me earned lakhs of rupees free of cost In form of points. And finally kudos to sidhart fir opening such a wonderful forum where people who share the same passion for cards and travel can share their views.

How many guest are allowed along with the priority pass issued with Infinia card.

Hdfc bank is funny. They rejected my application for a Regalia in spite of an Itr >50lpa for last 3 years and a 800+ score. At that time I was having a Citi Premier miles with a limit of 6.3l and annual cc spends of about 10l. However they offered LTF regalia to my wife who has an Itr of 4lpa and has an existing HDFC bank savings account jointly with her mother. Now they have offered LTF Infinia to her and I am still stuck with Citi PM. Citi won’t give me a prestige because I have moved to Jaipur. So now my wife takes me in as a guest whenever we are travelling abroad while she earns around 10% of me 🙂

Not sure if it’s relevant but the year I took my first salary, I had applied for a SC rewards card with zero annual fee and was rejected but was given a Citi PM as I had a Citibank account. Not sure what are my past sins but my cibil is absolutely clean.

Infinia for 4L P. A !!

I wonder what triggered the upgrade. Do you(wife) maintain high Relationship value with HDFC?

Coming to your case, consider dropping an email to escalation. You could get Infinia right away!

Keep up the great work Siddharth & Abhishek !

This site of yours is a blessing 🙂

Here’s an Infinia update (my experience)

1. I have regalia and diners black.

2. Previously when I asked my RM for an upgrade to Infinia, was told ‘ITR less than 30L will not be considered. If its falling short by 5L or so (against benchmark of 40L) then RM can push for Infinia’

3. Since I was in the 35L ITR range I asked my RM to bump me up to Infinia.

4. Not possible RM said after doing max negotiations with credit card team. (I believe my RM).

Apparently HDFC now DOESNT consider anything in the range of 40L good enough to upgrade to Infinia. It should be 40L ATLEAST or I should give up my black to get Infinia. (Asked them to take a hike:)

5. Also limit enhancement when one holds two super premium cards is NOT possible.

(My current limits regalia: 2L, black 4L).

But limit enhancement option, for card on card for Yes Exclusive, too nipped in the bud 🙁

So that’s my Infinia story.

Like someone in Citi Prestige thread option mentioned…maybe time to either move from HDFC in toto and become a Citi Gold Client (with its associated pro rata bonus + renewal bonus via Prestige) or just move onto Prestige for now and wait out/work out for ITR to get Infinia friendly.

I’m also dying to get HDFC Infinia. I spoke with the RM but no luck. I own Regalia with 6.8 L limit and also a Yes First Exclusive with 5 L limit (Both LTF). I read though all the replies and I suppose gradual upgrade , better relationship and spending pattern along with your existing limit holds the key.

I have HDFC credit card for almost 6-7 years and upgraded to Regalia in last two years with CL of 5.3L.

I have kept good credit scores and scheduled repayment of all the outstandings. My annual income is around 13L. Will I be able to get Infinia or Diners Black? I do not have an RM, hence please advise how to approach.

Send IT papers to Chennai address for Diners Black. You’ll mostly get it as its above the floor limit. Infinia is impossible at this stage.

I have a 9 year relationship with HDFC Bank. I started out with the Gold card and now have a LTF Regalia with a limit of slightly more than 9 lakh. I have an ITR of 36 lakh. 800+ CIBIL score. No other relationship with the bank.

a)What are my chances of getting Infinia LTF?

b) I plan to write to them that I don’t want to use Regalia any longer because of the devaluations that’ve happened. Does that sound like a decent reason to request upgrade to Infinia?

quick question – does Infinia allow access to domestic lounge as well via PP? The visa infinite variant does not have access to all the domestic lounges it seems.

Not PP. You can also get MC variant on Infinia.

hey sid , really wanted to hdfc infinia or hdfc dinner black ..which is best among the 2.. the only draw back is most overseas payment dont accept dinner card …were only visa or master work…so which one is better among the 2.

Looks like you already have the answer 🙂

is it possible to upgrade Business Regalia (CL 3.6L , age 1year) to Infinia ? i do not hold much high relationship value with HDFC consisting if a SB account (downgraded to regular ) and the Business regalia card , i have Yes Bank first exclusive with credit limit of 2.5 lacs , ITR of >40lacs…since i have no RM now , who should i consider talking to?? post their devaluation of rewards , i have moved most of my spends to YB First exclusive and SBI Elite.

CL is too low to aim for Infinia. RM is essential for Infinia as the application has to go through RM/BM.

The HDFC Regalia is my secondary card – my primary one is Citi PremierMiles. However, I have a fairly high CL on the Regalia – it is just over 15 lacs. I don’t have an account with the bank. How do I go about getting it upgraded to an Infinia?

Interessante. Never heard of Regalia with limits like 15L. Reg. upgrade, Infinia is usually processed for approval from branch side. You might need to email HDFC or just visit the nearby branch to know the upgrade process for your case.

Obrigado. I didn’t apply for any limit increase – they just have done it gradually over the years. I find the CB PremierMiles the best card for tickets – do you reckon there is a better card for air miles? I’d happily change that to my primary card. Appreciate your response.

Airmiles – depends on what airlines you’re interested in.

Oi! I posted this query earlier but my comment did not get moderated. Im not sure why.

Please advise whether MasterCard variant of Infinia is better than the Visa variant of Infinia in terms of lounge access, offers, foreign currency spending conversions etc.

In real world usage the variants you choose doesn’t matter much. I have visa infinite variant but I am able to access domestic lounges not covered under visa program using the Priority Pass. The PP usage in domestic lounges comes complementary only with the Infinia card across the HDFC CC product portfolio. However, I have read that there is a slight advantage in foreign exchange conversions using the MC platform as opposed to visa.

In terms of lounge access, MasterCard is indeed better than VISA because of the range of lounges to which you get access. VISA isn’t even close to MC. Regarding offers, VISA Infinite is indeed one of the best cards to have. It has a lot of perks with BookMyShow etc. Foreign currency spending will be similar to MasterCard as the currency exchange rates of MasterCard and VISA are quite comparable. Most of the places in the world accept both VISA and MasterCard alike. So you won’t run into much problem when you consider that. But just to be safe. ALWAYS keep 2 or 3cards preferably all on different platforms. If you have one VISA and one MC, I’m sure you won run into any problem.

Get Visa Infinite if you don’t already have one. It is a tier above MC World, you get things like:

1. Visa Infinite BMS offers.

2. Visa Luxury Collection hotels. You get $25 food credit. This is similar to Amex FHR.

3. Visa Infinite Concierge. This is important because Infinia concierge is probably the worst in the country.

4. 2 stays to Hilton Gold.

5. Car rental discounts.

6. Access to Visa Infinite travel desk.

7. Discounts on meet and assist services.

If these benefits aren’t useful to you, I would reconsider getting Infinia in the first place. If you’re looking into it for Vistara Gold, Axis Vistara Infinite is a far better card to have. But keep in mind the service level that Infinia provides is bad and is not even in the same zip code as Citi Prestige and Amex Platinum. So it has never been a luxury card in my book.

Visa/MC won’t matter for forex rates with HDFC as HDFC buys USD in blocks and you get same rates, depending on when transaction is finalised. Most people who claim MC is better do two transactions one after the other and then compare. But that’s not how it works as forex rate you get is the one that is applied when transaction is finalised and pulled, not when you actually swipe. MC has slight edge over Visa in domestic lounges. Infinia PP will not work in domestic lounges anymore.

If forex, offers, and lounges are concern for you, get Diners Black instead.

Thank you Amex guy for that insightful response. I wanted to pick your brains for the best card in terms of rewards and features between HDFC Infinia, Yes bank First Exclusive, Citi Prestige. Not considering Amex Platinum because of the 50k annual fee. Are there any other cards out there that you would recommend?

Visa amd master almost have the same lounges but master has slightly more choices. I have heard that currency conversion charges are slightly less in MC. Rest they are same except for bookmyshop one on one offer which is available on visa. If you dont have any visa card you can go with master. I have both world mastercard and visa signature.

Not sure how many infinia holders are aware of it but there is a fastastic MMT offer of flat Rs 5000 discount on domestic flight bookings of Rs 10000 and above. Excellent offer to redeem on rock bottom flight fares!

Thank you Amex guy for that insightful response. I wanted to pick your brains for the best card in terms of rewards and features between HDFC Infinia, Yes bank First Exclusive, Citi Prestige. Not considering Amex Platinum because of the 50k annual fee. Are there any other cards out there that you would recommend?

Why do you say ‘Infinia PP will not work in domestic lounges anymore’? I’ve been using Infinia PP to access domestic lounges without any issue (the latest usage was today). I have the MC Infinia (I hadn’t specifically asked for it but thats what I got). Would you recommend switching to Visa Infinite. Does HDFC perform such a switch for an already-issued card?

I have been offered a Business Infinia by the local hdfc branch. Are the features and perks same as a personal Infinia?

Got my Infinia card last week. I noticed the add on cards i received this week did not have the Priority Pass cards. Does anyone if these need to be applied separately?

Yes, you need to call up the customer care and ask for them to be sent.

Hi everyone…I am holding a Diners Black Card, I am interested in getting a Infinia Card in addition to my DCB…Does anyone in the group holds both DCB & infinia , my RM has said as per HDFC policy this is just not possible irrespective to ITR/Salary requirement.

He is correct. I hold infinia and have DCB as addon. This is probably the only workaround.

Hi, what do you mean by having DCB as an add-on? Do you mean that both share the same credit limit?

What I meant was my mom holds a the DCB and I use it as an add on card holder.

I have the Infinia. Here are some notes:

& # 8211; You need to have salary upwards of 45L to be eligible for this one.

& # 8211; the annual fee is waived if spending is > 8 L in a year.

& # 8211; They also have some issues giving the ‘unlimited’ credit option if you’re below 30, you can call them up and ask for an temporary (30 day) extension of limit (upto 50 L)

It’s a fabulous card to have.

Thanks for sharing your experience. 50L limit seems to be the interesting part 🙂

Good to know. Recently I checked on my RM for Infinia eligibility. He said, monthly Take home of 3.5 Lacs is essential. As per him he tried a case where Take home was 20-30k lesser, however the card didnt get approved, even though customers CTC was 50 Lacs ( yearly) but take home was lower.

Regular Savings Account.

Metro and Urban locations - Rs.10,000.

Semi-urban locations - Rs.5,000.

Rural locations - Rs.2,000.

Gramin locations - Rs.1,000.

Rs. 100 + 5% of the shortfall in required MAB.

Gramin locations : 5% of the shortfall in required MAB.

Nil for the first 4 transactions in a month;thereafter Rs.5 per thousand rupees or part thereof, subject to a minimum of Rs.150 in the same month (Maximum limit - self: Any Amount, Third party: Rs. 50,000 per day)

Thereafter in the month, Rs.5 per thousand rupees or part thereof, subject to a minimum of Rs.150 (Maximum withdrawal limit –

Self: Any Amount, Third party: Rs.15,000 per day)

At Branch – Rs. 5 per thousand rupees or part thereof, subject to a minimum of 150 (Maximum deposit limit - Self: Any Amount, Third party: Rs. 50,000 per day)

At Cash Acceptance Machine - Nil for the first cash deposit of a calendar month; thereafter in the month, Rs. 5 per thousand rupees or part thereof, subject to a minimum of Rs. 150

First 3 transactions (inclusive of financial and non financial) in 6 metro locations (Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru and Hyderabad) in a month - Free.

First 5 transactions (inclusive of financial and non financial)in all other locations in a month - Free.

Maximum of 5 trxns free in a month with a cap of 3 free trxns in 6 metro locations.

Thereafter, Rs.20 per financial transaction and Rs. 8.50 per non financial transaction.

First 5 transactions (inclusive of financial and non financial) in a month - Free.

Thereafter, Rs.20 per financial transaction and Rs. 8.50 per non financial transaction.

Free monthly e-mail statement.

Free monthly statement to be collected from branch.

Passbook facility available at base branch free of cost.

View and download statement facility available on the website.

For Gramin locations - Rs.99 p. a.

For Gramin locations - Rs.99 p. a.

International transaction limit - Daily spending/withdrawal limit: Rs.100,000/ Rs.50,000.

Nil for 20 payable-at-par cheque leaves in a quarter;

Rs. 20 for every additional cheque book of 10 leaves.

Rs. 15 per quarter.

Rs. 5,001 to Rs. 10,000 – Rs. 50 per instrument.

Rs. 10,001 to Rs. 1 lakh – Rs 100 per instrument.

Above Rs. 1 lakh - Rs. 200 per instrument.

Rs. 5,001 to Rs. 10,000 – Rs. 50 per instrument.

Rs. 10,001 to Rs. 1 lakh – Rs 100 per instrument.

Contact of HDFC Bank customer care.

Contact HDFC Bank: Find below customer care details of HDFC Bank, including phone and address. Reach the below contacts for queries on new banking accounts, credit cards, debit cards, net banking, personal/education loans or others. Besides contact details, the page also offers information on HDFC Bank services.

HDFC Bank House,

Senapati Bapat Marg,

Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013.

Reach the below numbers for enquiries on HDFC bank accounts, reporting loss of ATM card, or others. You can also use HDFC Phone Banking for checking your account balance, enquiring cheque status, ordering a new cheque book or account statement, stopping payment, opening a fixed deposit, transferring funds between accounts, paying your telephone or electricity bills, generating new ATM pin, or others.

Bangalore – (080) 61606161.

Chandigarh – (0172) 6160616.

Chennai & # 8211; (044) 61606161.

Cochin – (0484) 6160616.

Delhi and NCR – (011) 61606161.

Hyderabad (040) 61606161.

Indore – (0731) 6160616.

Jaipur – (0141) 6160616.

Kolkata – (033) 61606161.

Lucknow – (0522) 6160616.

Mumbai & # 8211; (022) 61606161.

Pune – (020) 61606161.

Andhra Pradesh – 9949493333.

Madhya Pradesh/Chattisgarh – 9893603333.

West Bengal/Sikkim – 9831073333.

Uttar Pradesh/Uttarakhand – 9935903333.

Jammu and Kashmir/Himachal Pradesh – 18001804333.

Patna/Bihar/Jharkhand – (0612) 6160616.

Jammu & amp; Kashmir – 1800 180 4333.

Mutual Fund or Investment.

Phone: 1800 22 1006.

Phone: 855-999-6061 (US/Canada)

Phone: +91-2267606161 (other countries)

Find below the customer care numbers for HDFC Bank Credit Card.

Ahmedabad & # 8211; 079 66004332.

Bangalore – 080 66224332.

Bhopal – 0755 4004332.

Chandigarh – 0172 4694332.

Chennai & # 8211; 044 66004332.

Cochin – 0484 4084332.

Coimbatore – 0422 4384332.

Delhi – 011 41514332.

Hyderabad – 040 66624332.

Indore – 0731 4074332.

Jaipur – 0141 4004332.

Kolkata – 033 22104332.

Lucknow – 0522 4004332.

Mumbai & # 8211; 022 28564332.

Pune – 020 66034332.

Raipur – 0771 4084332.

Other Locations: 1800 425 4332.

Click here to locate a HDFC branch nearest to your address. HDFC has branches across all major cities in India.

Click here to locate a HDFC ATM nearest to your address.

To apply for personal loans or credit cards, click here.

For education loans, click here.

Established in the year 1994, HDFC Bank Ltd. is a major Indian private bank with its headquarters in Mumbai. HDFC Bank was incorporated in August 1994 by Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC), India’s largest housing finance company. The bank has over 4,100 branches and 12,000 ATMs across 2,400 cities countrywide. In 2008 HDFC Bank acquired Centurion Bank of Punjab taking its total branches to more than 1,000. Total income for the year ended March 31, 2015 was INR 574.66 billion .

HDFC Bank’s products and services include savings accounts, current accounts, deposits, safe deposit lockers, personal loans, home/car loans, two wheeler loans, educational loans, debit/credit cards, prepaid cards, demat accounts, insurances, forex, premier banking, and more. On the website, one can easily pay bills, make credit card payments, transfer funds, access net banking and much more.

The bank began operations in 1995 with a simple mission: to be a “World-class Indian Bank”. It received the Businessworld Best Bank Awards 2010 after selected as the Best Bank. For the 5th time in a row, the Bank made it to the Forbes Asia Fab 50′ list, an annual ranking of Asia-Pacific’s best listed companies. The bank’s MD Mr. Aditya Puri last year won the Business Leader of the Year Award in the Economic Times Awards for Corporate Excellence, or ET Awards, as they are popularly known. For queries, complaints or others, reach the HDFC Bank customer care through the details provided in this page.

This article has 76 comments.

I am very sorry and disheartened to inform that I am a long time customer of HDFC Bank and do lot of transactions in your esteemed bank.

I am having a credit card no:4893772404401016 of HDFC Bank. Due to some serious crisis for the last couple of months, I unable to pay the minimum amount due.

Also I am having three ongoing loans with the Bank and a regular pay master of the EMI’s. This month I have transferred my EMI’s amounting to Rs.29000 in my SB Account No 07181140091604 at Sector V Salt Lake Kolkata branch.

Suddenly my Account becomes hold by the Credit Dept and the amount is credited to the Credit Card and the EMI’s bounced. But I got informed by the Credit Card Dept after the account became hold.

Now I am unable to pay the due EMI’s as if I was earlier informed I could have arranged in other way.

In this regard I am humbly requesting to look into the matter and help me in this regard or please lend us some time to pay the EMI’s.

Thanking you and looking forward for kind help and support.

This is the worst bank i have ever seen. They did same to me as well.

Never Go for HDFC BANK! Fake bank to collect the money from customers.

Discontinue your services with this bank and you may use ICICI or Kotak bank.

Don’t trust on credit card customer care. I called for loan closer & asked for final settlement amount & immediately i paid same. After next month i saw extra amount outstanding & again i called them for this & said our customer care calculation wrong. i said i will not pay this amount due to your mistake & remove outstanding from my account.

still date they don’t do this, every month adding some amount.


I had taken a consumer durable loan from HDFC Bank. while I was ready to pay cash and take delivery of the product from the showroom the jokers from HDFC contacted me and said that I can go for a 0petcent emi option for which I enquired what are the terms and conditions and foreclosure charges but the person across the bank counter and the manager confirmed and said it’s only 3percent foreclosure charges and there is no other charges. later on after the delivery of the product I was sent a letter stating 18 percent foreclosure charges after which I contacted the same jokers from the bank and enquired they point blank refused to accept their mistake and said I have to visit a branch or contact the phone banking executive. I tried to call the number given by them but got even more bitter. Can some one more responsible and loyal employee of bank explain why this sort of treatment is meted to their customers.

My NRI son Ajay I. S. Kang had an NRO account in Mumbai branch, which he closed from a Chandigarh branch during his last visit to India (did not visit Mumbai). A draft representing closure balance in account was issued in his and co-signatory, my husband’s name.

Now That draft is not being accepted by HDFC Bank either for credit to an HUF account, where my son is a co-parcner or for remittance to his account in USA. He also does not have any other account in India. I have his general POA and wish to resolve this issue. Can anyone in HDFC Bank help?

Hi, Kindly close HDFC Customer Care Service. Worst Bank Service. Poor service and they make us wait for long time with no response.

I got 2 wheeler loan fron hdfc bank. My EMI is 8900 p. m..In August unexpectedly my chq (SBI 21314)dated 04/08/12 not cleared. Bank executive came and collected 9100(8900emi and 200 chq bounce charges).This is realy very regrefull that even after receiving the cash against the bounced cheque your bank presented the same cheque in my account on 24/08/2012 and cleared the amount Rs 8900.Please look into the matter and update me through telephone and Email ASAP.

Bro same thing happens with me also. Their executive collects the money from my home and again they cleared the same amount from my bank account through ECS.

HDFC credit card billing team is not working properly.

They are very eager to swap money from CC holder through incorrect billing.

This makes most of the customer to swap to some other bank.

I have shopped for Rs.5798/- in total mall, sarjapur road on 21st July 2012.. it got debited twice.. There was no proper response from the shop as well as Bank (Axis, which was used to swipe my HDFC debit card)…

Is there any other alternative method to get my money back??

I had applied for a Housing Loan from HDFC for Rs 7 lakhs in the month of April 2012 and my Loan Reference number is 604810073. The amount was approved on 2nd May 2012, but the amount is not released to me yet as the Project Approval is pending. I had communicated with HDFC executives regarding the delay several times and I am not satisfied with the response received, so I would like to cancel my request. Axis Bank is already having the Project Approval and so I propose to take loan from them.

I kindly request you to refund the processing fee charged and return all the documents I have submitted for this purpose.

Never ever deal with HDFC Bank.

It took 20 days and still I am unable to get my new current account open. And they keep promising next day but still no use. My commitments are gone. I could ve applied in any other bank but fell into the trap of HDFC.

I am Amit from Mumbai having credit card of your bank at the same time I am the corporate customer of HDFC bank (having salary account in HDFC Bank). I am holding the credit card from last more than a year and was regular with my payments every month, suddenly due to some personal reasons I was unable to make payment on time. This year stuck in a lot of financial problems but the Agency guys do not understand the problem of the customer and whenever called were so rude and used such disgusting language I would even not prefer to say or write. I told them every problem but they were always very rude and said you have to make the payment any how. The sample of language used was “Ghar becho ya apne aap ko becho par paisa do”. I do not understand why such guys are working in HDFC OR if HDFC encourages them to do these stuffs. Next time when communicated with her senior, the senior said “make the payment immediately I am not here to see or resolve your problem” you can ask anyone in HDFC my name everyone will tell you about me. Several times the agency guys called my home and tried to threaten my parents. Without my permission they always looked into my account which is associated with my salary account and forced me to make the payments. Once there was only 4k in my account on date 7th of the month and they forced me to make the payment of 4k.

The total outstanding is always increasing and increasing, whether I make a payment of 10, 000 few months it goes on increasing, it again goes to same amount as you can check with my details. I never checked the statement since I was under the impression that HDFC is a trustable bank, but when I checked my statement for April I saw Finance Charges = 1,641.90 were charged to me then I checked my previous statements and every time they are charging me this. When I took the credit card this was not communicated to me by Bank/Agency/Customer Care. Then I called the customer care of HDFC Credit Card I asked the executive that I have been charged Finance Charges every month and this was not communicated to me he replied that if I dont clear the payment it will be charged every month.

Never ever deal with HDFC Bank for personal loans.

It took one month and still I am unable to get the loan applied. And they keep promising next day but still no use. My commitments are gone. I could ve applied in any other bank but fell into the trap of HDFC. HDFC fraudulent executives.

I am an HDFC credit card holder since november 2010. During january 2012, i had requested hdfc customer care to stop sending monthly statement by courier and organise to e-mail it to me. They mailed me e-statement registration form. I had filled the form and sent by post to the address given. But now also i am getting statement by courier. The problem what i am facing is, once it reaches my office, it will not get delivered to me in time. If i am not in seat, they will just keep it aside and never will reach me. Due to all these complications only i requested for e-statement. Till today hdfc credit card division not bothered to accept my request and they are going on couriering monthly statement. How to find a solution for this. According to me only solution to stop it is ‘cancel the credit card’.

I have a Dmat account where I was doing daily transaction of my own. Three years before I took an advice from the HDFC Shares Executive and she invested all my funds in wrong shares which returned in heavy losses till now. Also there is no follow up for the same.

HDFC is really a poor service provider bank which always misguide the customers.

i want start my own business in chennai may i know whom to contact person in chennai pls its urgent.

Serviço horrível. No one is aware of the process involved and getting resolution is a dream. They blocked my credit card for the mistake of their own, though they own the responsibility, they make me run pillar to post for getting it re-activated. Am still waiting for the resolution. HDFC sucks big time.. Never bank with them.

Very bad and irregular service. No proper attention to customer’s complaint is being given. Negligent & whimsical action of bank-staff causes financial loss to customer but high authorities did not care to rectify the same, rather they are pressuring the customer to fulfill such baseless and wrong demand. Same type of two incidents happened to A/C No. xx twice, once in year 2006 & further in year 2011. Matter brought in notice even to Managing Director but no result. What to do ?

NEVER Ever Bank with them. They will rip you off at every opportunity, whether you are a big customer or a small one. Their only motto in life is to make money and increase the bottom line and make profits by their share price..

very bad customer service offered by HDFC BANK. ICICI BANK is much better than HDFC BANK.

You can publish email address of mine, a valued HDFC customer. A service is valued the way customer is handled when he has a problem due to HDFC bank system failure. Recently while i was booking railway ticket my HDFC debit card blocked reason not specified, enough fund was available, data filled correct. When reported to customer care they are making me run from pillar to pillar.


HDFC Bank telephone support is really bad. They make us wait too long and give no proper solution.

really its sevice on phone is very bad..there is nothing such as customer service.

sir i am interested in property auction of HDFC bank kindly tell me whome to contact in kolkata.

This is to inform about your staff is misleading the customers.

Myself account Holder of HDFC for Last 10 years . I have asked one of your staff in customer/information desk about the minimum balance in SB a/c. He replied that it was a Rs 5000/- for min balance. Then I withdrew cash by keeping min balance after a month i received the account statement, I got shocked they deducted Rs 800/- for not keeping min balance of Rs 10,000/-.

ATM withdrawl at ATM 8184 on 02/02/2012 through SBI Debit card at Bangalore. No amount received but debited. No reverse ATM withdrawal.

Even i have also faced the same problem in Hyderabad. I am holding the Hdfc debit card. I have withdrawn amount from DCB bank ATM, as the server was down while withdrawing, i did not get money, but it seems money was deducted from my account. I could not understand what to do in this scenario.

I had a credit card. I paid and settelled but I did not get no dues certificate. now I need the certificate. I made so many phone calls. but I am sorry to say that no action has been taken from your end. now I request a last. after this if I do not get no dues certificate I will go to R. B.I. So please be serious. pl. send on my e mail id.

I want to apply for new cheque book. where can i apply for the same.

if you have access to net banking you can do it else call the customer support.

I am holding corporate salary a/c with your esteem Bank. A monthly installment goes on every Ist of the month from my account to Axis bank.

Dear HDFC Bank team,

I am really troubled by HDFC HSR Branch team. Its kind of harrassment and I am sure if no action is taken fast I have to go for consumer court. I have two accounts in HDFC and have been part of HDFC for last 7 years. If these many years are not enough for good relation with a bank, I am deeply saddened !!

ISSUE: I opened a second account in HSR Layout branch in April last year (account number: xx) and was promised that I need to maintain 25000 as minimum balance in both my accounts (told my sales person Rahul and Subhan Ali). I had it but in September, I was levied with AQB charges. Bank branch manager and Deepa from same bank made false promises for 3 months that it will be reversed but never done. Finally I had to go for closing of my account on last thursday (11th Jan 2012) but it is not closed still and again the AQB charges are levied even though I have 25,300 in my account.. Its really crazy, I cannot understand why my account is not closed immediately and why AQB charges when I have mimimum balance.

I want immediate solution and won’t take it lightly.

Looking forward to your reply at the earliest.

I want to get my noc whom to contact no body is answering.

I have never requested to operate Demat A/C but still Bank started my Demat A/C.

Infact i have never done any Trading.

“I have recieved a letter from Bank in which it is mention to deposit Rs 7500 before 15.jan 2012 as Service Charge.”

What kind of Bank is it?

I will not pay anything.

I need my customer id no for net banking purpose, and please reverse the registration fees of Rs.290/-of my credit card..

Last month I have purchased a TATA car from National Garage Jammu and they are having the tie up with HDFC for loan.

I have got the loan of Rs 4.5 Lakhs from Your Bank. Now the issue is that HDFC has paid the loan amount to some other dealer instead of National Garage.

I have contacted HDFC guys for this issue but every time they said that by mistake they have paid the amount to other dealer and it will take 2-3 days to get corrected.

Now more than a month has gone and my temp registration number has expired and I have to apply for registration but the dealer has refused to give me the sale letter because they have not received the payment of the car from HDFC.

This is my humble request to take the necessary action against the culprits and release the money to the dealer.

I created my account recently, my initial has been misspelled as ‘y’ instead of ‘v’.so i kindly request you to change it.

Our business is being affected due to poor service. Your website is down since yesterday and shows error. We have a current account and need to at least 50 NEFT transactions each day. This is not good for a reputed bank like yours.

I have received monthly account statement through mail but did not get the password to open kindly send me my password.

I have changed my mobile no. recently. How can I update my mobile no. so that I can get all the updates via sms for every transaction made using my HDFC debit card.

simply call the HDFC helpline.

On the 26th of November at 21.31 from a SBI ATM located at Gadiannaram, Hyderabad, I drew Rs. 1000/-. I was shocked to note that I got a receipt and an alert on my Mobile, but DID NOT GET THE AMOUNT/CURRENCY FROM THE MACHINE. I tried to explain to the person in charge, but he bluntly expressed ignorance, and asked me to report to HDFC.

In the event of the above, please let me know what to do.

please call the bank and place a complaint.

For my customer number 21634117 I had given in writing to reduce my tax structure from the present 30.9% to 10% as per the Double Taxation Treaty signed between Kuwait and India .

No action is being done as of now. Could you investigate its status and revert to me at your earliest convenience.

I am using HDFC Forex prepaid card. Presently i am in Africa and will be back to India on 15th Dec’2011. I would like to confirm one thing that can i withdraw my remaing balance in prepaid forex plus card from India. In case yes then what is the procedure for the same? I mean i can withdraw the money via ATM or i will have follow any other procedure.

hello sir, i had a two wheeler loan with you bank..please send me Statement of account by email.

who is HR of ranchi HDFC.

I have a HDFC salary account, opened 7 years back in Hyderabad. Currently i am working in bangalore and native place is vijayawada. I would like to change my branch. Could you please let me know is it possible to change salary account branch from Hyd to Vijayawada.

yes it is possible to change the branch.

How can I get statements of over 3 yrs? Online does not have that facility. If I request, will HDFC send me to my email?

you could visit your local branch and place a request for the same..charges might apply.

I have HDFC credit card but started using it for the last few months only. I have cash withdrawal facility and used last month to take some money. When the HDFC bank offered the card the bank persons were behind me till I say yes. They did not mention that if I withdraw money they will charge Rs. 300 per transaction. I wanted some 7000 rs. and I withdrew money twice since per transaction i can withdraw only rs. 5000. When I see my nov. bill i am so upset that the bank charged me Rs. 600 for two transactions and apart from this they charged Rs. 155 as finance charges. That means for Rs. 7000 they charged Rs. 750 per month. This is a loot. Why they are telling a lie that they give 50 days credit for using credit card? Why they fool the public?

The credit card department has blocked my card despite payment being cleared..please guide.

if payment is cleared why should the bank block your card :)

I want to know what is the longest tenure for property loan.. is it 20 years or 15 years.

If I take loan of around 15 lakh for 15 years what will be EMI per month.

the customer service numbers are just need to call them :)

I had got a call from one of your executives if i am interested in applying for personal loan. As i wanted to apply i readily agreed and submitted the documents they requested for. I had also signed the application form they had got to my work place. Its been 3 months and i am asked to produce some or other document and is being delayed. Iam not happy with what is happening.

I had a credit card of your company. The card was misplaced from me in mar 2008.

I gave Request to block my credit card in HDFC Bank hisar, but after some time your operator called me and said that there is a payment due of Rs 2500/. I had given the payment through recovery after two years am getting calls saying still there is pending payment..Please close my account asap.

by mistake we have e-payment of CBDT Tax amounting to Rs.7778/= instead of Rs.778/. Pleaes cancel the transaction and revert the entry.

please place a complaint with the customer support.

i am going to open a saving account for that i need one agent to come at my home…..please advice.

please ring the HDFC customer support and they will arrange an executive to visit home.

I had applied for an ISA account for mutual funds last mon/tue. My KYC status is updated. I talked to one of the bank representative today, however was told that local bank authorities will contact me.

I had taken two wheeler loan from your bank which has been completed through EMI BY ECS AND LAST 3 EMI BALANCE. but till date I have not received MY LOAN STATEMENT LAST 2 YEARS.

I am having a twowheeler loan from your bank . Now i want to know the total remaining loan amount . So that i can clear the loan before it’s tenure . Can you please help me in this regard .

please call the HDFC bank on the numbers given on this page..

i had taken two wheeler loan from your bank which has been completed through EMI. but till date I have not received NOC cirtificate.

please send this asap.

August 3rd, 2011.

I would like to have the contact details of country head for Chennai Branch. Kindly provide same.

Best regards. / Ratnam Ganesh.

I am highly disappointed with the immune attitude of your investor service deptt. I had sent an e. mail to ‘[email protected]’ on 26th July for a specific enquiry but didn’t receive any response. The text of mail is being reproduced below,

My cousin Falguni vyas staying at Canada with her relatives in India at C-28,Sahyog Society, Refinery Road, Vadodara-390016;

had invested Rs. 45,000/= with ‘Helios and Matheson Information Technology Ltd.’ on 7th Sept. 2006.

This got matured on 7th Sept.2008 and cheques of principal as well as interest amount of Rs.8307/= were issued by the company from their HDFC Bank a/c.

These cheques were issued by the said company from their a/c no. 00602*****708 of HDFC Bank ( Forte Branch) which reached in some wrong hands who encashed them on 6th Oct.2008 ( as debited from above mentioned a/c of the company).

Please help us on urgent basis with details of the person and his/her a/c. não. with bank details in which these cheques were credited as my cousin is leaving back for Canada in a few days.

Hoping 2 get a prompt reply with desired details,

With due regards,

**Expecting an urgent reply…

why are you not calling the customer care for the same? they should be able to respond in a speedy manner..

I have Salary A/c. with ur bank, which is zero balance A/c.. Now I am not getting salary in this A/c. But I am using this A/c for repayment of my personal loan with ur bank. But on 6/5 bank has charged me AQB charges. I want to know why bank has charged AQB charges when I am having zero balance A/c.

Kindly guide me immediately.

This letter is written to you in order to know the savings bank account rates and whether a zero balance student account can be opened with a debit card facility .

Furthur I wanted to know about 1 month FDRs that are a recent trend – their minimum balance requirement and other basic nessary information .

Please let me know asap so that i can take necessary steps accordingly.

I have booked a flat in Casa Rio, which is under construction, and I have availed a home loan from HDFC Ltd. My building is on the plinth stage so I want to know if I can avail loan for the whole amount whole consideration value of my flat and make the advance payment what would be the benefit of it for the same.

Regular Savings Account.

Metro and Urban locations - Rs.10,000.

Semi-urban locations - Rs.5,000.

Rural locations - Rs.2,000.

Gramin locations - Rs.1,000.

Rs. 100 + 5% of the shortfall in required MAB.

Gramin locations : 5% of the shortfall in required MAB.

Nil for the first 4 transactions in a month;thereafter Rs.5 per thousand rupees or part thereof, subject to a minimum of Rs.150 in the same month (Maximum limit - self: Any Amount, Third party: Rs. 50,000 per day)

Thereafter in the month, Rs.5 per thousand rupees or part thereof, subject to a minimum of Rs.150 (Maximum withdrawal limit –

Self: Any Amount, Third party: Rs.15,000 per day)

At Branch – Rs. 5 per thousand rupees or part thereof, subject to a minimum of 150 (Maximum deposit limit - Self: Any Amount, Third party: Rs. 50,000 per day)

At Cash Acceptance Machine - Nil for the first cash deposit of a calendar month; thereafter in the month, Rs. 5 per thousand rupees or part thereof, subject to a minimum of Rs. 150

First 3 transactions (inclusive of financial and non financial) in 6 metro locations (Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru and Hyderabad) in a month - Free.

First 5 transactions (inclusive of financial and non financial)in all other locations in a month - Free.

Maximum of 5 trxns free in a month with a cap of 3 free trxns in 6 metro locations.

Thereafter, Rs.20 per financial transaction and Rs. 8.50 per non financial transaction.

First 5 transactions (inclusive of financial and non financial) in a month - Free.

Thereafter, Rs.20 per financial transaction and Rs. 8.50 per non financial transaction.

Free monthly e-mail statement.

Free monthly statement to be collected from branch.

Passbook facility available at base branch free of cost.

View and download statement facility available on the website.

For Gramin locations - Rs.99 p. a.

For Gramin locations - Rs.99 p. a.

International transaction limit - Daily spending/withdrawal limit: Rs.100,000/ Rs.50,000.

Nil for 20 payable-at-par cheque leaves in a quarter;

Rs. 20 for every additional cheque book of 10 leaves.

Rs. 15 per quarter.

Rs. 5,001 to Rs. 10,000 – Rs. 50 per instrument.

Rs. 10,001 to Rs. 1 lakh – Rs 100 per instrument.

Above Rs. 1 lakh - Rs. 200 per instrument.

Rs. 5,001 to Rs. 10,000 – Rs. 50 per instrument.

Rs. 10,001 to Rs. 1 lakh – Rs 100 per instrument.

Hdfc Bank Infinia Credit Card Review.

Infinia Credit Card Review – One of the Best Credit card in India.

Hdfc bank – the pioneer in credit card industry has come up with a unique offering few years back for ultra rich Indians – the Infinia credit card. As the name signifies, it denotes limitless possibilities in every aspect. This is one of the best super premium credit card in India that every credit card enthusiast would dream of. The reason is its infinite capabilities in almost everything it offers from lounge access to golf courses. This is the card I wish to get one day or other for obvious reasons and I’m half way there 🙂

Let’s see why it’s so special.

Unique benefits of Infinia Credit Card:

Super high Credit Limit:

Infinia Credit Card falls under “Visa INFINITE” or “Master Card World” variant and comes with a minimum credit limit of 10Lakhs. I’ve heard people holding it at 7Lakh limit though. They say that it has unique NPSL* (No Pre-set Spending Limit) feature. However, you need to be aware that you can’t just go ahead and purchase a Ferrari right away ? as they will have internal limits which will be increased if deemed reasonable by looking into your past records.

Love EMI’s? You can put anything and everything on EMI for years together with this kind of Credit limit when you run short of money. You can keep your business funds on float for 50 days with its free interest period using higher credit line. You may avail higher amount of insta loan & insta jumbo Loan on credit card which has very good interest rates if you’re looking for a quick cash.

Awesome 3.3% Reward Rate on Every Spend:

You get 5 reward points for every spent anywhere and everywhere without any restrictions. This gives you an equivalent amount of Rs.3.30 for every rs.100 spent. You can easily save Rs.3,300 for every 1 Lakh you spend on the card. Not just that, you can save 2X if you spend on dining & airvistara/hdfcbankinfinia websites, also 5x added recently. That’s equivalent to Rs.6,600 in savings for every 1Lakh spends.

Default Reward Rate: 3.3% Accelerated Reward Rate: 6.6% (2X on Dining/airvistara/hdfcbankinfinia) Accelerated Reward Rate: 16.5% (5X with limited merchants)

Unlimited Lounge Access Worldwide:

With priority pass membership, you can get unlimited access to airport lounges across the world. One of the biggest advantage of this card is that even the supplementary/ add-on card member can have free lounge access . This feature is available hardly in few cards in India. This is quite beneficial if you travel with your partner/children often.

Lots of savings and peace of mind during travel by resting in a comfortable place. With Lounges, you have access to complimentary food, wifi, coffee, posh interiors, etc.

Thinking of a World tour with family and free lounge access everywhere? Infinia Credit card is for you!!

Foreign Travel is more Rewarding:

Foreign Currency Markup Fee: 2%+tax Reward Rate: 3.3% Net Gains: 1%

It has the lowest 2% foreign currency markup fee, making it the best card to swipe abroad. I should say, HDFC Bank Infinia credit card is the best credit card for international travel you can ever have.

Faster Customer Support & Personal Concierge service:

Connect faster with Dedicated Infinia Phone Banker who can help you get things done. They’re bit knowledgeable too. Their personal Concierge service can save you a lot of headache with your travel planning. All you need to do is just call up, say what you want and they’ll find the best deal for you. Be it limousine transfer or taxi or hotel or whatever.

Attractive Insurance Cover & other Perks:

You’ve accidental air accident cover of 1cr and 12L accidental hospitalization cover abroad. So you don’t need to take a separate Travel insurance. Infinia covers you all. Apart from that, you also get Fuel surcharge waiver (Capped at Rs.1000/billing cycle) and you can Withdraw cash of upto 40% of your credit limit without any cash withdrawal charges, however, interests will be applicable.

CardExpert Rating: 5/5.

Reward Points Redemption & Airmiles:

Well, that’s enough of reasons to hold one. Infinia is the one and only card in India which can provide you such unparalleled benefits at a very low joining fee. This card is best suited if you wish to covert your reward points to be redeemed for direct hotel/flight booking/recharge using their website. You can also convert to air miles.

But if you wish to play with air miles, you need to go for HDFC Diners Jet credit card as you get 5 JP miles for every spent. Whereas in Infinia, you can get only.

3.3 JP Miles for every Rs.100.

Additionally, you can also go for diners club black credit card. They run 10x promotions quite often which can save you a lot, with their limited partners. 10X promo is god send and it beats Infinia just for that reason.

Note: Diners credit cards does have acceptance issues, especially out of India.

Final Thoughts on Infinia Credit Card:

So unless or until you’re so much bothered on air miles, there is no better credit card you can ever have in India except Infinia, especially for Priority Pass. However, getting approved for one is not that easy. Talk to your HDFC Relationship manager if you’re eligible for the same. If you’re finding it tough to grab one, consider going for Regalia credit card which stands one step below Infinia. Impressed about the features? Do share your views.

How to get Approved for Infinia Credit Card?

That’s a million $ question, though, after knowing about some of the Infinia cardholders for a while, i can say: its not a child’s game. Most HDFC Premium credit cards are issued/upgraded based on the credit limit, but Infinia needs more that just limit. You need 45L ITR to get fresh card, however, for upgrade, this is the expectation:

20L range may help Very High spends on existing card Maximum exposure to other HDFC products preferably loans, current a/c, OD, policies etc.

In other words, you need to be a real High Net-worth Individual (as per your ITR), or, should have given lots of profits to the bank in the past to get approved for Infinia. So wondering why the rules are so strict? Well, what if you swipe your lovely Priority pass 50 times a year? Who pays for it? Its surprisingly YOU 🙂

They give back what they have earned from your past relationship with the bank – those profits they made on loans, insurance policies, etc. Still confused as where to start? Drop your comments below, or Catch me on call, i can come up with a bespoke solution based on your financial situation to help you get one. Check out my Consultation page.

Eu sou um cartão de crédito freak pontos de recompensa e cashback por anos. Obcecado com a aviação, lounges de aeroportos e viagens de luxo a um custo acessível.

184 thoughts on “ Hdfc Bank Infinia Credit Card Review ”

You need to take the annual fees of the card when you gush about the 3.3% discount. Does not seem seem too great against a 30kfee to get in.

Annual fee is waived off on 8L spend. It surely make sense to have the card only for high spenders and airport lounge lovers 🙂

will there be additional annual fee for add on cards for other family members.

No, Add-on cards are generally free.

Any ballpark income eligibility for a salaried individual with decent past credit history? Obrigado.

12L+ on IT is a good number for them to consider,

But some guys i knew have received it as they have better relationship value with bank. Completely depends on the customer profile and HDFC doesn’t have any pre-set rule for the same.

how can I apply for this credit card? I don’t see any option.

Its invite only card. You should ask your RM or visit branch.

you have said that annual charges are waived off if u spend 8L per year. i couldn’t find any such link anywhere. could u list the link on your website ? right now, i hold a Regalia card although my spends per year are much more than the desired limit.

I can see that its not mentioned anywhere now. But i happen to see it earlier (an year back). maybe they’ve changed the policies now. Better to have a word with HDFC support for more info.

Have you heard cases where this card is offered as a lifetime free card? I currently have a regalia card on which I have spent about 6 lacs in the last 8 months that I’ve had the card. Wanted to know if I can get a lifetime free upgrade.

Drop them an email and give it a try. If your income on IT and relationship value is good enough, they may issue infinia as LTF.

My relation ship manager said one need 25 lakh plus ITR for Infinia , I have 14lakh and he said he will try but not sure. Fees is only 10,000 and not 30K . what are other 2 -3 cards which offer free unlimited lounge access worldwide and to add on card too. Obrigado.

You can get easily with that IT if you’ve used the other card with HDFC for an yr or so. They either need your usage history or sky high IT.

Citi Prestige has unlimited access as well.


Yes, for Add-on Cards, you have to request priority pass Card separately over Infinia Helpline.

Muito obrigado.

Finally I got invitation for infinia card after on after one year old regalia i got invitation call on my birthday date 2 August one thing I noticed that with hdfc bank that who use card very less like me they give more offers i got this card with only four years old credit history with hdfc bank and i have used only single card and one interesting thing I want to tell you i paid all of my credit card bill before the statement generated date and my use is on my regalia is only 1 to 5% of credit limit and while upgradation limit on my old card is 3 lakh and iam a farmer by occupation with no itr.

Maybe they’re issuing as your 4 yr track record is good, also depends on how much balance you’re maintaining on your Savings A/c.

I tried hard to get Infinia card, however it has been rejected. I am an Imperia customer and holding Regalia from a very long time. My banking history is very good with very high balance maintained. Inspite of this, my request was rejected stating that take home salary should be 3.5 lakhs.

Thanks for the awesome blog post. I am a super high spender. (2-3L spend a month). Which card should I opt for (Infinia or Regalia).

Obviously infinia, if you’re eligible for it.

Hey Siddharth….a very informative forum indeed!

could you do an article on best credit cards for all categories please?

I already own an Amex Platinum Card.

Want to go for another Card with a premium feel but a Master/Visa that is accepted everywhere.

Which one shuld I go fr.. Spends on my new card will be.

2 LPA.. as I plan to limit my spends on AmEx to 4L.. for Maximum benefit seeking. Also, I splurge a lot o f money but dont like paying much for an Annual/Renewal Fee.

Was considering Regelia.. Heard they are downgrading it.. Still worth it? Or something else?

Regalia is still good. You can also checkout Yesbank/SBI cards. And of course Infinia if you’re eligible.

AMEX Platinum is a top of the line charge card in India. It comes for a cool ₹50K/annum fees. I guess, you wanted to say AMEX Platinum Travel Card.

Nice forum, I am a regalia holder i think since atleast 4 – 5 years. They have steadily increased limit to 6 lakhs which i presume is max for regalia. I want to upgrade to infinia but they say it is by invitation only. I am a heavy spender with good credit history with ITR of 13L. I feel there is not much clarity about eligibility especially after reading Sumit and VK’s case. It will be great if you can get exact information about eligibility criteria for infinia. Obrigado.

Talk to your branch. Only they can take approval if they’re okay with your usage/limit etc.

With this limit, you’ve more possibility to get Infinia. Boa sorte 🙂

Since there is unlimited lounge access via priority pass do one gets the PP prestige/PP select or the normal one?

Its a normal one with unlimited access. Its like, HDFC buys a bulk amount of visits from PP and give away across multiple cards. PP don’t even know the limits/visits avail on your HDFC issued PP card.

Here’s a response PP gave me when i asked the free visits left:

According to the membership number you’ve provided, your Priority Pass card was issued to you by your bank or credit card. They issue their own Priority Pass cards and administer their own accounts so you will need to contact them directly for account information, charge information or material requests.

Are you aware if HDFC can issue the Infinia as a Secured Credit Card, since HDFC does offer secured credit cards already. I have three extremely high value (upwards of 50L+ each) in name of three of my family members (seperately, of course) & I would like to avail the HDFC Infinia against these FD’s with 70-80% of total FD amount…

Am unsure about it. However, this is very high value. If you can talk to Branch Manager, he can get it for you without even placing lien on your FD 🙂

It all depends on how long you’ve been dealing with the bank.

Thanks for your answer brother. I’m in talks with the bank for this now, & I have no issues if they place a lien on the FD’s, in order to get me what I want 🙂

i just wanted to conform that Hdfc infinia card has a min limit of 10 L and there is no upper preset limit.

my query to you is, in the infinia card ‘statment’, what is the Crdit Limit printed\shown?

Only Infinia Holders will know it. Anyways, some Infinia cards are also given with <10L limit 🙂

I tried speaking with my RM today, and they mentioned that they need an ITR -> Taxable income of 36 lakhs to be eligible for Infinia, which I thought was absurd! Ive been holding a Regalia for 1.5 years, and an HDFC Classic banking customer for last 5 years. Not sure how do i negotiate with HDFC to get an Infinia card? Por favor ajude!

It depends on your Credit limit. What range are you in?

I got it as a Director of a company. My income was below 10L and Company’s income was above 1 Cr. We are HDFC Bank customer for more than 13 years.

Glad to see a Infinia holder here 🙂

Yes, it should be possible because HDFC looks at the overall relationship with the bank.

You said Infinia gives value of 3.3% but as per HDFC Reward Catalog.

Lets take Shoppers Stop GV example, to get 500 Rs you need 930 point (Category G)

for that one has to spend 27900 , then the value is coming as close to 1.79% instead of 3.3%.

Am I mistaken somewhere in above calculation.

HDFC points are best used when you redeem in respective portals,

like in infinia portal in this case.

Where, 1 Point = 1 Rupee (for comparison, 1 point in Allmiles = 0.25ps now )

Catalog Redemption’s are poor yes.

I have hdfc regalia with limit of 530000.using it from last 3 yrs. Is there is any to get infinia.

Limit is good enough for the upgrade.

They look into the usage too. Did u approach the branch?

A personal question out of curiosity. What is the credit limit on your Diners Black Card?

Obviously I couldn’t say that 🙂

I am finding American Express Gold Card best, Let me explain.

Amex Gold Benefit are Amazon GV 11000 for 24000 Points.

for every 4 swipe of 1000 Rs you get 1000 point , so in a year you get 12000 easily.

To get rest 12000, you have spend 6 Lacs Ruppess (AMEX Gold gives 2 per 100),

So if you spend 6 Lac you get 11000 rs Amazon GV (There are other Gift but I am taking this as it give complete monetary value)

2% per 100 Rupee spent as compared to Infinia where its lesser value in Catalog redemption.

Well, with Gold charge card, you can get statement credit which is the best option than vouchers.

yes, i’ve explained this 2% value back on the respective Amex post.

Only challenge is the acceptance though.

Yeah , I am using from 2011 in Bangalore and Amex getting better and better.

I strongly advise AMEX Gold for anyone who ask for credit card.

What is the limit of Amex gold card.

I will be getting my Infinia card in few days so i was searching exact benefits of that my interest is more in Upgrade of my flights already Air india SBI card treated badly in this i transfered all my miles to Air india despite crossing Maharajah status miles barrier i was told i wont get any status well that was my mistake i should have asked before transfer of all my reward points anyways can anyone help me with exact Airmiles i will earn on annual spent of 20 lacs exact as in i mostly travel by Lufthansa , Emirates , Etihad and Turkish sometimes will this Infinia card gonna help me in that ? i have had Amex Platinum since decade along with hsbc platinum and SBI Air india none of them has ever gave me any kind of flying benefits but atleast Amex have been very very kind and they do pay attention towards every small thing customer ask back to help 🙂 i hope someone will guide me how to use this card for my travel .

Use the card on 5x and 2x categories that HDFC is promoting these days. That will get you a lot of points which you can redeem for flights as revenue tickets.

Btw, good to see yet another Infinia member here.

Everyone would be interested to know your Infinia application process. Feel free to share the same 🙂

I recently shifted my business to HDFC and I am being offered either the Infinia or the Diners Club Black. Which one would you recommend?

Great job with the blog though. Hope to see more posts.

Depends on your spend areas.

I would recommend black if you travel/shop often to avail their 10X rewards.

I’m eligible to take Infinia or Diner black. My major spends are shopping and air tickets. IS Diner black better than Infinia.

I wanted to know why there is fuss about Infinia and difficulty getting it, when the Amex gold card is also having ‘NPSL’

being the only difference between them that one is a credit card and other is a charge card.

Infinia comes with a far higher limit & ongoing benefits compared to gold card 🙂

Iam a AMEX GOLD card user. Joining fee was Rs 1000+ST. In one year, the benefits I got are,

1) Rs 10000 statement credit for achieving 24000 MR points. This I did with so ease.

a) 5000 MR joining points.

b) 12000 on spending card 4 times (Rs 10000 plus)

c) 1000 points for a standing instruction + 2000 points for supplementary card+other regular spends.

2) Got Rs 20000 Tanishq voucher for spending 2 lakhs in a month.

3) Got Rs 15000 Taj vouchers.

4) Saved Rs 1000 plus with 3% fuel cash back.

On top of all, the priceless customer care.

Post reading this comment, i asked my Dad (Classic account with Business dealings with HDFC) to apply for this upgrade.

And HDFC BM told he will have his Ragalia upgraded to Infinia for Free of cost(anyway existing is free he informed).

Also mine is upgraded to Regalia (first or plain – not sure, just got SMS)

Without these posts i wouldnt have known all these details. I said lot of thanks, but once again thanks.

Have a great time with Infinia & your Regalia 🙂

I am not sure how did you calculate 3.3% reward rate. Per their reward catalog, every point is normally worth of 0.5Rs (500 shoppers stop voucher for 960 points). So for 150Rs, you are getting 2.5 Rupee cash back. That means effectively 1.66% reward rate ?

Calculated with Infinia site redemptions.

You really need to be loaded to get Infinia. You need a monthly post tax take home of Rs. 3.5 L. By contrast you can get DC Black at just Rs. 1.75 L take home.

I have a Regalia card with Rs 600,000 /- limit. Have been using this for the past 2.5 yrs. I spoke to my RM regarding the upgrade. He says only people with ITR of 45 lakhs or more are eligible. I am getting all kinds of offers on netbanking like Jumbo Loan of 10 Lakhs, Insta Loan of 450000 etc except for the elusive upgrade to Infinia. My Regalia is due for renewal this September. Should I wait until September and see if they offer me this upgrade ? any suggestions ?

That’s a nice limit Hari.

Talk directly to branch manager. If your other relationship value with the bank is decent, it will go through quite easily 🙂

Obrigado. I will give it a try.

I am not holding bank account with hdfc, but using hdfc credit card from the last 7 years and now holding regalia (holding from last 1 year)with 6Lakhs as limit. whenever ask for upgrade, they mention it is bank invite and I ask in bank they mention need to 30L + as salary. is it correct ?

With 6L limit, you’ve more possibility for infinia, if you have their other products like savings a/c.

Annual fee has been reduced to 10K these days.

can i use my personal hdfc diner club black card for my private limited company purchase ? and make the payment of my card from the company account.

That highly depends on how you file your ITR, talk to your Auditor 🙂

Its confirtmed HDFC is not considering existing card limit for upgrade to Infinia.

The HDFC BM said the requirement of 3.5 lacs/pm income, is mandatory.

He said that this criteria is in place so that the exclusivility of the card is maintained.

Criteria is indeed very strict, though, they’ll consider your limits, spends and relationship value.

How does hdfc infinia compare with Citibank prestige? With regard to overall rewards, global acceptance and best return for money.

It depends on what kind of redemption you prefer. Citi Prestige is mainly for ppl playing the Points and miles game.

Can I issue infania as a corporate card on my business itr which is 50L+

Proprietor Business? if so, you’ve a chance.

Else, its a completely new entity as it comes with a different PAN.

No Siddharth its a private LTD company.

Then you might get a chance if the said current a/c is with HDFC, which means more relationship value.

No I’m an sbi customer.

I have Axis Bank Visa Signature Credit Card since 2013 with good credit history, limit 1.9L. Recently acquired Regalia Business, limit 3L and an SBI Elite, limit 1L. Spends are usually 50K per month avg. Should I try hard to get Infinia or do you think I can make good with the above ?

Nice expert reviews. I have a question about HDFC Infinia card for you. Is it issued to both Resident Indian and Non resident Indian. I was informed by HDFC that only Regalia is for NRIs.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

Am not sure about this. Though, i don’t see any reason to differentiate as long as you’ve good Relationship with Bank.

I see from the HDFC website that Regalia Visa Signature variant is being issued to Non-Residents as NR Regalia (so Regalia comes as Regular Regalia, Business Regalia and NR Regalia) which seems to require a NRO account with HDFC. The card bill also needs to be settled by the linked NRO account.

I see, there is also another one, Doctor’s Regalia. 😀

Being offered both Infinia and Citi Prestige. My annual spend is 20L mostly corporate travel. Suggestion which one should I use? It seems Infinia has better reward returns?

Why not get both? 🙂

There is 20K fee for Citi and 10K for HDFC. Is there a benefit of getting both?

My spend is half flights and remain in hotel etc. As I understand Infinia will give 3.3% to 6.6℅ return where as Prestige will give only max of 3%. All other benefits seems quite same.

Citi is known for its Hotel Transfer partners and Prestige is known for the Limo benefit. If you don’t need these, then Infinia would do.

It is not just 3.3 -6.6%. You also get 5X with many merchants incl MMT. But if you need limo drops etc you canconsider Prestige as Sid says.

Currently i am holding Regalia with 4L limit (LTF) for past 1 year and HDFC credit card account for almost 8 years. Also, i am classic customer have saving a/c for almost 5 years. am I eligible for infinia? and what approach should i take to apply.

Its quite tough. You need Imperia range of relationship to get Infinia.

I currently am a preferred account holder with HDFc but am eligible for Imperia Banking as well. However the branch i have my account in does not offer imperia accounts. Therefore i will have to transfer my account to another branch in order to get my account converted to Imperia.

I currently have a Diners Club Premium card which is LTF. Should i transfer my account and get it coverted to Imperia ?

Will i be getting any extra benefits on that ?

Though my current income doesn’t qualify for Infinia but will converting to a Imperia account make me eligible for a Infinia (LTF) ?

You can certainly get Diners Black with Imperia but Infinia is a hit or miss.

As i mentioned in the article, Imperia will help to certain extent, but you also need other to be strong in other aspects as i mentioned in the article.

You don’t have to transfer all your accounts to another branch just because you want imperia upgrade, Talk to the branch with has imperia program and they will remove preferred relationship manager and assign Imperia relationship manager, You will have bank accounts in your existing branch only but your imperia rm will be in new branch. I did the same so i know for sure.

P. S your preferred RM will not tell you this because he will loose you as a customer so talk directly to imperia RM.

i have just been upgraded to Infinia. I do not have a salary of 40 lakhs and instead my gross annual income is Rs. 26 lakhs. if you would like to know the reasons for the upgradation, i guess the following could come in handy for anyone looking for Infinia. i have been a customer of HDFC Bank for nearly 17 years. i have also spent more than Rs. 12 lakhs with my Regalia during the current financial year. Besides, i work for the central government. my branch manager was of the view that Rs. 26 lakhs in govt is worth more than Rs. 50 lakhs in private sector( govt has no concept of CTC and instead every reimbursement other than salary is on actuals). btw, the limit that they have given on my Infinia is only Rs. 8 lakh. so i guess you were right on the money when you said that its the relationship that matters and not just the salary. Take heart, everyone !

Congrats on Infinia!

Yes, it does go in line with the pattern that i’ve seen with other Infinia card holders 🙂

Thank you very much for sharing your experience.

Here is a useful information on how to get HDFC Bank’s INFINIA CREDIT CARD.

I inquired about Infinia Credit Card while i was HDFC Bank’s preferred customer and my Preferred Relationship Manager said that I need 40Lacks ITR and there is no way around it, If i have lower ITR like 30 to 35Lacks then they maybe able to push for approval but there is no guarantee,

But I was recently upgraded to HDFC BANK’S IMPERIA PROGRAM, and i was assigned new IMPERIA RELATIONSHIP MANAGER, so i inquired again about INFINIA CREDIT CARD, and they said i need 21lacks ITR, But i has only 15lacks ITR so they offered me this card against FIXED DEPOSITE of 6 LACKS, 15LACKS ITR + 6LACKS FIXED DEPOSITE = 21LACKS, That is how they explained to me,

I have already completed documentation and awaiting for CREDIT CARD.

True with the said points.

Also, Interesting about the FD thing. Did they mark a lien on the card?

Since they issued this card against FD, I can not widraw this FD aslong as i hold this card, I have to surrender this card then only can i widraw FD.

Do keep us posted about your experience once you receive it 🙂

Just received my Infinia Card, I didn’t have to cancel my regalia to get Infinia, Regalia gets canceled automatically when i got Infinia. My regalia was lifetime free this is not even tough its gives as an upgrade, anual fee of 10000 is charged but in return i get 10000 rewards so its practically free.

Thanks for sharing your experience with Infinia, especially the Imperia RM without change of branch part is very useful.

A quick qn, your regalia was non-FD based card,

and now you’ve got Infinia based on FD, likely @ 80% of the FD amount,

or, was it Regalia old limit+FD amount?

congrats Malav kumar for the INFINIA.

I just wanted to ask you, how is the procedure to get upgraded to IMPERIA? especially in your case. thanks.

I am from Ahmadabad so i will share my experience about HDFC Bank Ahmadabad,

In Ahmadabad, only 4 HDFC bank branches have imperia Banking facility, other branches are preferred branches only, so if you have account in any of the imperia branch then only will you get your upgrade, otherwise its tough,

My account was in non imperia branch so i was stuck with preferred account, i asked for upgrade to imperia but they never gave me straight answer, but one fine day i learned from hdfc bank’s ex employee that preferred branch couldn’t give me upgrade to imperia even if they want to because they don’t have imperia RM, and if they change my RM to imperia branch(without transferring my account to imperia branch) then i would get imperia upgrade, so i went to imperia branch and talked to Imperia RM and he asked my Preferred RM about my wish to change RM and i was assigned new RM with imperia upgrade, Preferred RM was bit hesitant about letting me go as a client because RM’s usually get incentives from the products they sell to us(life insurance, car insurance, demate accounts), but i stood my ground and i got upgrade,

PS, you have to meet eligibility criteria for imperia upgrade which are as below.

Maintain a minimum Average Monthly Balance of Rs.30 Lakhs across all your Savings and Fixed Deposit* accounts.

Maintain an Average Quarterly Balance of Rs.10 Lakhs in your Savings account. OU.

Maintain an Average Quarterly Balance of Rs.15 Lakhs in your Current account.

I hold good relation with HDFC Bank’s ex employee because i bought lot of life insurances and opened many accounts for my family members, so we keep in touch even though he left a job at HDFC Bank, I will share what he told me, This is all insider information, and this may help you get Premium Credit Card with HDFC Bank,

Each HDFC Bank Branch has one credit card guy who will sell you credit card, one Life insurance guy who will sell you life insurance and all other employees like branch managers and backup branch managers and Relationship managers and Cashier, and receptionist etc, so every branch manager reports to Cluster Manager, what it means is if there are 20 branches in Bandra, mumbai then all those branch managers report to Cluster manager,

In the same manner every branch’s credit card guy has Superior, So if you live in Bandra, Mumbai then your branch will have credit card guy who reports to someone who is not Branch Manager, but we can call him credit card cluster manager, so when we make special credit card request for odd upgrades like regalia to infinia or floater card etc then those requests get sent to HDFC Credit Card Cluster Managers, some cluster managers are quiet relaxed about rules and some are not so one person on this blog may have obtained upgrade or shared limit credit card while other person’s request might be rejected, so if your request seems to get rejected then try to move your account to another branch that’s at some distance from your old branch then make new request and u may have it approved, my infinia card was approved after moving my relationship manager from Memnagar, Ahmedabad to Thaltej, Ahmedabad, All requests are not sent to chennai for process and some are processed at you city only.

Thanks for sharing in depth info on approval process. Little correction on the last part. All decisions are made at chennai only, but the said “cluster manager” or the regional manager or the credit card manager, say for Mumbai, has the ability to recommend you on their own risk to Chennai guys to approve it. And when such requests come, chennai gas can’t reject it unless there is a credit limit/CIBIL issue. Its like, chennai guys are like President and the branch/regional managers are like Prime Minister 🙂

But matter of fact is, these guys don’t recommend your request easily unless or unless you got enough relationship with bank. In your case, its FD linked card and hence there is no reason for anyone to reject it as there is ZERO risk.

They gave me 8 lacks credit limit on Infinia Card,

My regalia had 8 lacks credit limit before i got upgrade, and i have 70 lacks in fixed deposit with hdfc bank, 20lacks FDs X 3 and one FD with 10Lack, so I got infinia credit card against 10 Lacks FD,

so it could be my old credit limit of 8 lacks or it could be 80% if 10 lacks which is 8 Lacks, Tough to tell,

But one thing they told me is my credit limit will not increase based on spending because this card is against FD, but i am not worried because i don’t spend 8 lacks in one month.

PS, Before i came to know of your website, i Thought i had the best rewarding credit card (REGALIA), and my only credit card but your website has helped me a lot, After i started reading your website, i applied for three more credit cards, If you allow then I would also love to share my journey about how i got regalia card and how my credit limit increased from 2,25,000 to 8,00,000 in two years with detailed spending pattern and and time between each credit limit increase and amount spent between two credit limit increases.

Glad that i was able to help 🙂

Sure, i’ll drop you an email shortly, we may put it as a separate article.

Good Info.. thanks for sharing…..I didnt get Inifinia… so finally ended up in Yes Exclusive LTF….

Dear Mr. Malav, thanks for sharing.

I am in Ahmedabad and eligible for imperia at my Vejalpur branch. But what is the advantage except zero locker rent ?

As per there website they charge Rs 100 plus tax every quarter programme fees same as preferred programme. It was waived off / revered last year after after written request.

Even after imperia member, no guarantee to get Infinia credit card. & # 8211; LTF.

Imperia program does not guarantee to get Infinia Credit Card but It certainly does help, Imperia RM usually has more authority then Preferred RM and he is usually more knowledgeable,

While I pay for 100rs + tax every quarter as program management fee for being imperia customer but you get lot more value in return, I will explain below.

so I pay 460 rs every year for just being in Imperia program every year,

i get RENT FREE LOCKER for life as long as i am part of imperia program, I have the largest locker which my HDFC BANK branch provides, Locker rent is 15,000+tax every year and i get it for free, so 15000 saving against giving 460rs as program management fee, some branches also have locker that is huge and rent is 40,000 and its also free for imperia customer,

I also have demate account with hdfc bank, they charge 800rs or so for opening it but i got it for 499 rs so 300 rs saving there, yearly rent for demate account is 750 rs but its lifetime free for me,

they also charge 15rs every quarter for messegs received on mobile for account transaction like cash deposits and withdrawals etc and that is also free for me so 60 per year saving there.

they also charge for international debit card but its free for me, premium debit card like platinum card cost 750 rs per year and i have it for free, there are no free debit cards with hdfc bank, they charge minimum 150 rs for debit card for non premium customers,

they also charge 200rs or so to replace debit card if you loose it or damage it but its free for me,

they charge 500rs to issue Forex Multi-currency Card but i got it for 250 rs because i am travelling to USA and it may help,

I also get preferential rate of intrest for all types of loans like car loan or home loan etc,


SO your total saving is.

40,000 for largest locker rent.

750 for premium debit card.

60 for sms alerts.

750 anual demate charges.

800 demate opening charge.

200 for debit card replacement.

So your total saving is 42,810, Now you tell me weather its worth it or not.

Thanks Mr Malav for in detail IMPERIA programme. It is the highest premium account at HDFC bank.

As a preferred customer I am getting all this benefits except locker rent ( I have to pay 50% rent ).

My programme management fees were waived off last year , so I am saving Rs. 460 also on this. You can try to get is waived off by calling and writing to your RM.

Mr Malav, your Infinia card is life time free – same as Regalia ??

Thanks Malav for sharing ur experience regarding IMPERIA n INFINIA.

Its nice to learn all internal process at HDFC bank cards.

Mr Malav, your Infinia card is life time free – same as Regalia ??

No it is not life time free, It has anual fee of 10,000 rs per year but in return i get 10,000 reward points worth 10,000 rs so its practically free.

Hi, you may need to pay 18% GST tax around 1800rs for 10000rs annual fee.

So this 10000 rewards points, we can redeem for credit card bill payment ? Or we need to purchase some other things like flight or anything from catalogue ??

Flight and other redemptions usually.

You can use 10,000 reward points to purchase thing from reward catalogue, recharge mobile and dth, book flight and hotel etc, but its best used and valued when used for hotel booking or flight booking and dth and mobile recharges.

I have a Housing Loan with HDFC and will fall in to their definition of HNI, will I be eligible for infinia card?

Just housing loan won’t help. Depends on lot other factors. Talk to your RM.

How is infinia better than hdfc diners black. I am planning to go for diners black (even though I am eligible for infinia)?

Can you please assist?

Infinia should fine as they’ve recently added 10X to all cards on smartly spends.

Is infinia like a pure superset of diners black then?

If not in what terms is it better? I have heard plenty about the features in diners black as far as lifestyle is concerned i. e 10x reward points, bookmyshow offers unlimited, unlimited lounge access, can use it for uber, Amazon etc.

Do we enjoy the same privileges if we hold infinia?

If you’re more of a person who needs 10X benefits, go for Black. Else, if you’re happy with unlimited PP and limited 10X benefits, Go for Infinia.

Thanks Siddharth. Will go for Diners black then.

Will upgrade to infinia if I get a better offer there.

I have recently upgraded from Diners Black to Infinia, mainly because the conversion rate in infinia is much better than Diners Black. Diners Black charges like almost 1 re more for each USD when compared to infinia.

I dont find any difference between the 2 except the 10X points offer in Diners Black. So diners black is better till the offer.

I see other blogs that hardly update content but you update regular and best part take time to reply to every comment here that users put, much appreciated mate great quality content with outstanding support. I took your consulting and after 3 months I drop an email with some query and you answer that in no time which is really sweet.

Keep up the great content.

Thanks for your kind words Yazi. Fique ligado!

Does HDFC Infinia gives 5X points for fuel purchase at gas stations ?

Okay, latest update regarding upgrading to Infinia. I hold a Diners Black from HDFC. Spoke to the relationship manager and inquired about an upgrade to Infinia. He said that was possible only if I had such an offer on my card. It wasn’t there on my card and I asked for alternates. He said that for salaried personnel the monthly income must be 4L and for self employed an ITR showing at least 40L.

I am NRE and holding a Regalia card. I don’t use the card much, however, I enquired about the Infinia card, and I wan told that I should have one of my FDs lien marked for 12 Lacs. I will check with my RM if there is an initial fee for the first year or not. But if they charge me 10K, then how do I get back that money (in terms of other benefits?)

You can use the points for flights.

But first of all, 12L on FD is not a right choice to park your money unless you plan to use Priority pass to the tune of 100 visits or so a year. I’ll write a detailed article on this in sometime.

HDFC want me to change my resident Regalia to NR Infinia but with INR 8 lac FD lien. My annual spend is approx. INR 12 lac. Shall I opt for it or go with SBI Prime / SBI Elite?

I feel SBI Prime’s reward points for insurance payments is 5% and my annual payment for insurance is around INR 10 lac. Another benefit I see with SBI Prime is I can pay dues using reward points which is not possible in Infinia.

Compliments on a great site! I have a query re Infinia vs Amex Plat travel as below:

& # 8211; My primary card is Amex Plat Travel credit card, which I have been holding since last 7 years (Amex KF before that). Annual fee was waived off every yr because of spend patterns (arnd 5L+ every yr) This year they are refusing to waive off, even though spend is 6.5L. I am thinking of cancelling this card as I dont want to pay the fee. I use the MR points heavily for air travel (Indigo) – family vacations, and this has been a big reason for this to be the primary card.

& # 8211; Other card is HDFC Regalia – used wherever Amex is not accepted. Guess the spend will be 1 – 1.5 lakhs a yr also. This is LTF due to relationship wt bank, credit limit 6L. Have Priority Pass card, which is also used. However, not a fan of the rewards program and have not used it much really.

I can get the HDFC Infinia with condition of 8L annual spend (therefore no cost). Hence my question is:

1. Should I cancel Amex Plat travel card to avoid the fee (6k incl GST)? Will I miss the vouchers (now Spicejet or their own travel portal)?

2. And if I cancel, will the Infinia have similar or better benefits than Amex travel (I am looking at travel vouchers mainly).

Would be great if you can respond at the earliest, as I need to make a decision fast.

Amex plat travel still has good reward rate. They seem to waive off on spends north of 10L these days. IF you’re limited to yearly spends of.

7L i guess you should continue with Amex as you also get travel offers.

There are many other factors to decide though. For ex, if you fly intl often, then Infinia might help due to unlimited PP.

You can use your MR points to waive off the charges.

i currently own a Regalia Credit Card and thinking of upgrading it to Infinia but i don’t use my card that much. will it be of any use if i upgrade or should i stay with Regalia??

If the PP usage is not much and card is generally used for shopping and travel with annual spend around 8L. Is Infinia card still good choice given that now I have an option to get one? or there are other cards that offer greater benefits?

Cancelled my Diners Jet because lack of acceptability.

Currently using combination of Amex Travel and HDFC Jet World.

Given that after 4L spend there is no incentive to use Amex platinum Travel.

Hey all . I recently got the email to convert my resident regalia to NR card . I applied on the online form with the FD made and there was radio silence for a week . When I checked up with the branch and phone banking , no one could give me an update on the application status . The branch said that NR infinia does not exist and the phone banking guys told me to talk to the branch. the branch also advised me to apply for NR regalia . When I mentioned about the email I got , they told me that a “central team “exists which sends the mail and they have also the authority to grant cards. they apparantly work parallel to the branch cards division. I am not an imperia customer with HDFC nor did I have a high credit limit with my old card . Any ways long story short I got my infinia card yesterday . I honestly don’t know what criteria they use to accept as it appears very random .

Do you maintain high-value Relationship value with HDFC? As in FDs?

I have been using Infinia since more then 4 years and I feel it’s still the best card available in market after Amex centurion. I travel a lot and often use the Priority pass program. This card helped me earned lakhs of rupees free of cost In form of points. And finally kudos to sidhart fir opening such a wonderful forum where people who share the same passion for cards and travel can share their views.

How many guest are allowed along with the priority pass issued with Infinia card.

Hdfc bank is funny. They rejected my application for a Regalia in spite of an Itr >50lpa for last 3 years and a 800+ score. At that time I was having a Citi Premier miles with a limit of 6.3l and annual cc spends of about 10l. However they offered LTF regalia to my wife who has an Itr of 4lpa and has an existing HDFC bank savings account jointly with her mother. Now they have offered LTF Infinia to her and I am still stuck with Citi PM. Citi won’t give me a prestige because I have moved to Jaipur. So now my wife takes me in as a guest whenever we are travelling abroad while she earns around 10% of me 🙂

Not sure if it’s relevant but the year I took my first salary, I had applied for a SC rewards card with zero annual fee and was rejected but was given a Citi PM as I had a Citibank account. Not sure what are my past sins but my cibil is absolutely clean.

Infinia for 4L P. A !!

I wonder what triggered the upgrade. Do you(wife) maintain high Relationship value with HDFC?

Coming to your case, consider dropping an email to escalation. You could get Infinia right away!

Keep up the great work Siddharth & Abhishek !

This site of yours is a blessing 🙂

Here’s an Infinia update (my experience)

1. I have regalia and diners black.

2. Previously when I asked my RM for an upgrade to Infinia, was told ‘ITR less than 30L will not be considered. If its falling short by 5L or so (against benchmark of 40L) then RM can push for Infinia’

3. Since I was in the 35L ITR range I asked my RM to bump me up to Infinia.

4. Not possible RM said after doing max negotiations with credit card team. (I believe my RM).

Apparently HDFC now DOESNT consider anything in the range of 40L good enough to upgrade to Infinia. It should be 40L ATLEAST or I should give up my black to get Infinia. (Asked them to take a hike:)

5. Also limit enhancement when one holds two super premium cards is NOT possible.

(My current limits regalia: 2L, black 4L).

But limit enhancement option, for card on card for Yes Exclusive, too nipped in the bud 🙁

So that’s my Infinia story.

Like someone in Citi Prestige thread option mentioned…maybe time to either move from HDFC in toto and become a Citi Gold Client (with its associated pro rata bonus + renewal bonus via Prestige) or just move onto Prestige for now and wait out/work out for ITR to get Infinia friendly.

I’m also dying to get HDFC Infinia. I spoke with the RM but no luck. I own Regalia with 6.8 L limit and also a Yes First Exclusive with 5 L limit (Both LTF). I read though all the replies and I suppose gradual upgrade , better relationship and spending pattern along with your existing limit holds the key.

I have HDFC credit card for almost 6-7 years and upgraded to Regalia in last two years with CL of 5.3L.

I have kept good credit scores and scheduled repayment of all the outstandings. My annual income is around 13L. Will I be able to get Infinia or Diners Black? I do not have an RM, hence please advise how to approach.

Send IT papers to Chennai address for Diners Black. You’ll mostly get it as its above the floor limit. Infinia is impossible at this stage.

I have a 9 year relationship with HDFC Bank. I started out with the Gold card and now have a LTF Regalia with a limit of slightly more than 9 lakh. I have an ITR of 36 lakh. 800+ CIBIL score. No other relationship with the bank.

a)What are my chances of getting Infinia LTF?

b) I plan to write to them that I don’t want to use Regalia any longer because of the devaluations that’ve happened. Does that sound like a decent reason to request upgrade to Infinia?

quick question – does Infinia allow access to domestic lounge as well via PP? The visa infinite variant does not have access to all the domestic lounges it seems.

Not PP. You can also get MC variant on Infinia.

hey sid , really wanted to hdfc infinia or hdfc dinner black ..which is best among the 2.. the only draw back is most overseas payment dont accept dinner card …were only visa or master work…so which one is better among the 2.

Looks like you already have the answer 🙂

is it possible to upgrade Business Regalia (CL 3.6L , age 1year) to Infinia ? i do not hold much high relationship value with HDFC consisting if a SB account (downgraded to regular ) and the Business regalia card , i have Yes Bank first exclusive with credit limit of 2.5 lacs , ITR of >40lacs…since i have no RM now , who should i consider talking to?? post their devaluation of rewards , i have moved most of my spends to YB First exclusive and SBI Elite.

CL is too low to aim for Infinia. RM is essential for Infinia as the application has to go through RM/BM.

The HDFC Regalia is my secondary card – my primary one is Citi PremierMiles. However, I have a fairly high CL on the Regalia – it is just over 15 lacs. I don’t have an account with the bank. How do I go about getting it upgraded to an Infinia?

Interessante. Never heard of Regalia with limits like 15L. Reg. upgrade, Infinia is usually processed for approval from branch side. You might need to email HDFC or just visit the nearby branch to know the upgrade process for your case.

Obrigado. I didn’t apply for any limit increase – they just have done it gradually over the years. I find the CB PremierMiles the best card for tickets – do you reckon there is a better card for air miles? I’d happily change that to my primary card. Appreciate your response.

Airmiles – depends on what airlines you’re interested in.

Oi! I posted this query earlier but my comment did not get moderated. Im not sure why.

Please advise whether MasterCard variant of Infinia is better than the Visa variant of Infinia in terms of lounge access, offers, foreign currency spending conversions etc.

In real world usage the variants you choose doesn’t matter much. I have visa infinite variant but I am able to access domestic lounges not covered under visa program using the Priority Pass. The PP usage in domestic lounges comes complementary only with the Infinia card across the HDFC CC product portfolio. However, I have read that there is a slight advantage in foreign exchange conversions using the MC platform as opposed to visa.

In terms of lounge access, MasterCard is indeed better than VISA because of the range of lounges to which you get access. VISA isn’t even close to MC. Regarding offers, VISA Infinite is indeed one of the best cards to have. It has a lot of perks with BookMyShow etc. Foreign currency spending will be similar to MasterCard as the currency exchange rates of MasterCard and VISA are quite comparable. Most of the places in the world accept both VISA and MasterCard alike. So you won’t run into much problem when you consider that. But just to be safe. ALWAYS keep 2 or 3cards preferably all on different platforms. If you have one VISA and one MC, I’m sure you won run into any problem.

Get Visa Infinite if you don’t already have one. It is a tier above MC World, you get things like:

1. Visa Infinite BMS offers.

2. Visa Luxury Collection hotels. You get $25 food credit. This is similar to Amex FHR.

3. Visa Infinite Concierge. This is important because Infinia concierge is probably the worst in the country.

4. 2 stays to Hilton Gold.

5. Car rental discounts.

6. Access to Visa Infinite travel desk.

7. Discounts on meet and assist services.

If these benefits aren’t useful to you, I would reconsider getting Infinia in the first place. If you’re looking into it for Vistara Gold, Axis Vistara Infinite is a far better card to have. But keep in mind the service level that Infinia provides is bad and is not even in the same zip code as Citi Prestige and Amex Platinum. So it has never been a luxury card in my book.

Visa/MC won’t matter for forex rates with HDFC as HDFC buys USD in blocks and you get same rates, depending on when transaction is finalised. Most people who claim MC is better do two transactions one after the other and then compare. But that’s not how it works as forex rate you get is the one that is applied when transaction is finalised and pulled, not when you actually swipe. MC has slight edge over Visa in domestic lounges. Infinia PP will not work in domestic lounges anymore.

If forex, offers, and lounges are concern for you, get Diners Black instead.

Thank you Amex guy for that insightful response. I wanted to pick your brains for the best card in terms of rewards and features between HDFC Infinia, Yes bank First Exclusive, Citi Prestige. Not considering Amex Platinum because of the 50k annual fee. Are there any other cards out there that you would recommend?

Visa amd master almost have the same lounges but master has slightly more choices. I have heard that currency conversion charges are slightly less in MC. Rest they are same except for bookmyshop one on one offer which is available on visa. If you dont have any visa card you can go with master. I have both world mastercard and visa signature.

Not sure how many infinia holders are aware of it but there is a fastastic MMT offer of flat Rs 5000 discount on domestic flight bookings of Rs 10000 and above. Excellent offer to redeem on rock bottom flight fares!

Thank you Amex guy for that insightful response. I wanted to pick your brains for the best card in terms of rewards and features between HDFC Infinia, Yes bank First Exclusive, Citi Prestige. Not considering Amex Platinum because of the 50k annual fee. Are there any other cards out there that you would recommend?

Why do you say ‘Infinia PP will not work in domestic lounges anymore’? I’ve been using Infinia PP to access domestic lounges without any issue (the latest usage was today). I have the MC Infinia (I hadn’t specifically asked for it but thats what I got). Would you recommend switching to Visa Infinite. Does HDFC perform such a switch for an already-issued card?

I have been offered a Business Infinia by the local hdfc branch. Are the features and perks same as a personal Infinia?

Got my Infinia card last week. I noticed the add on cards i received this week did not have the Priority Pass cards. Does anyone if these need to be applied separately?

Yes, you need to call up the customer care and ask for them to be sent.

Hi everyone…I am holding a Diners Black Card, I am interested in getting a Infinia Card in addition to my DCB…Does anyone in the group holds both DCB & infinia , my RM has said as per HDFC policy this is just not possible irrespective to ITR/Salary requirement.

He is correct. I hold infinia and have DCB as addon. This is probably the only workaround.

Hi, what do you mean by having DCB as an add-on? Do you mean that both share the same credit limit?

What I meant was my mom holds a the DCB and I use it as an add on card holder.

I have the Infinia. Here are some notes:

& # 8211; You need to have salary upwards of 45L to be eligible for this one.

& # 8211; the annual fee is waived if spending is > 8 L in a year.

& # 8211; They also have some issues giving the ‘unlimited’ credit option if you’re below 30, you can call them up and ask for an temporary (30 day) extension of limit (upto 50 L)

It’s a fabulous card to have.

Thanks for sharing your experience. 50L limit seems to be the interesting part 🙂

Good to know. Recently I checked on my RM for Infinia eligibility. He said, monthly Take home of 3.5 Lacs is essential. As per him he tried a case where Take home was 20-30k lesser, however the card didnt get approved, even though customers CTC was 50 Lacs ( yearly) but take home was lower.

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